Largs and Fairlie
Ayrshire Directories by Pigot & Co 1837
Largs is a neat town and sea-bathing place, in the parish of its name; 73 miles
w. by s. from Edinburgh, 30 s.w. from Glasgow, 14 s. from Greenock, and 20 n.
from Irvine; beautifully situate on the Firth of Clyde, in the northern
extremity of the county, in a remarkably healthy and well-sheltered district. It
is now one of the most favoured retreats on the west coast for ruralising and
bathing, the communication with Glasgow, and other large towns on this side of
the country, being rendered convenient and expeditious by means by means of
steam-boats: during the season it is enlivened by the presence of a great number
of visiters; and the general accommodation afforded by the abundance and
superior style of the lodging-houses, together with the agreeable manners of the
residents, fully entitles it to the extensive patronage it enjoys. An elegant
suite of baths was erected by public subscription in 1816, some of them after
the model of those at Seafield, Leith; and there is one vapour bath. Attached to
these are a reading room and a library, supplied with numerous papers weekly,
and every popular work as soon as published. Considerable business is carried on
in the fishery; and formerly the fair held on St Colm's-day was a scene of
bustle and active traffic - it was attended by the people from the highlands,
who used to resort hither to exchange their produce for that of the lowland
trader. The parish church is a handsome structure of stone, with a spire and
clock, and is a great ornament to the town. There are several benevolent
societies, and two sabbath-schools, which form the principal charitable
institutions. Three circulating libraries afford literary amusement to domestic
readers, and a company of comedians generally attends during the summer. Few
districts possess more romantic scenery; the old castles of Kilmorly, Shelmurly,
Knock, and Fairley, with Brisbane House, ornament this parish. It was on the
plain of Largs that the celebrated battle was fought between the Scots and the
Danes, in their last invasion of this country, in 1263. The glen, near Kelburn -
the cascade, which has a fall of 50 feet perpendicular - and various other
natural beauties, irresistibly arrest the attention and excite the admiration of
the traveller. Fairs are held on the first Tuesday in June (which lasts three
days), old style; the first Wednesday in February, third Wednesday in July, and
fourth Wednesday in October. Fairlie, or Fairley, is a small village in the
parish of Largs, about two miles south from that town. In the vicinity is
Kelburn castle, the picturesque seat and family mansion of the Earl of Glasgow;
formerly a seat of a family of that name. The extensive plantations around
Kelburn castle are highly ornamental to the general landscape. There are,
besides, some very elegant villas, which harmonize with and adorn the prevelent
features of the parish; and the marine scenery is truly beautiful and
Post Office, Main-street, Largs, William McCall, Postmaster. The London mail
arrives every evening at seven, and is despatched every morning at seven. The
Glasgow and Greenock Mails arrive every morning at half-past nine, and are
despatched every afternoon at half-past four. The West Kilbride mail arrives
every afternoon at a quarter past four, and is despatched every morning at ten.
Nobility, Gentry, and Clergy
Boyd Mrs. Crescent / Boyd Mr. Wm. 9 Main st / Brisburn Thos. esq. Woodbank
cottage / Cairnie Jno. esq. Curling hall, Crescent / Campbell A. D. esq of
Ashaig / Dow Rev. John, Manse / Dunlop Alexander, esq. Priory lodge / Flemming
James, esq. Silver rae / Fullerton John, esq. Cochran bldngs / Gardner Rev.
James, Fairlie / Glasgow Right Hon. Earl of, Kelburn / Graham Rev. Gilbert, Hill
st / Hay Capt. George James, R. N. Fairlie / Henderson Geo. esq. of Bank house /
Jamieson Mrs. John, Crescent / Johnston John, esq. Fairlie mill / Kerr William,
esq. Haeley / Kerr Mr. William. 17 Main st / Lang Hugh, esq. Mansefield / Lang
Jas. esq of Farralside, Bath st / Lang John, esq. Routenburn / Lang Miss, Gogo
street / Lang Robert, esq. Blockdales / McCall Miss, Fairlie / McCall Mrs,
Haeley / Morris Capt. Robert, of Moorburn / Mylne Professor, Fairlie / Parker
Mrs, Fairlie / Paton Mrs, 1 Main street / Pollock Miss, Crescent / Pollock Mrs,
Crescent / Richardson Mrs, Rosebank / Robertson John, esq. Northfield / Scott
John, sen. esq. Hawk hill / Spiers Mrs. Margaret, Crescent / Struther Robert,
esq. Acre cottage / Tennant Hugh, esq. Fairlie / Tudehope Rev. John H. 12 Hill
st / Wilson James, esq. Haylee / Young Capt. Alexr. Broomcraig park
Academies and Schools
Barclay Thomas, 15 Lade st / Jamieson John, New st / Lindsay Elizabeth, Gogo st
/ McLean Daniel, Boyd st, / Parochial School, 12 Hill st Rev Gilbert Graham,
master / Scott James, 18 Winton st / Tudehope Rev. John H. 12 Hill st / Malcolm
William, Nelson st, Tyre Robert, Hill st
Agents to Manufacturers
Chirry James, 20 Nelson st / Henry Peter, 5 Main st / Hill Archibald, 53 Main st
/ Jamieson John, New st / McNeil Robert, Boyd st / Malcolm John, New st
McArthur Charles, 51 & 75 Main st / Patrick Robert & Co. 8 Main st
Cowper Peter & John, 51 Gateside st / Crawford William, 62 Main st / Frazer Archibald, 22 Main st / Mackie James, Paper row
Boat Builders
Fife John, Fairlie / Fife William, Fairlie
Boot and Shoe Makers
Campbell Daniel, 2 Bath st / Crawford James, 8 Main st / Hamilton William, 4
Main st / Hendry James, 10 Main st / Hopkirk James, 9 Nelson st / Lamont
Laughlan, 63 Main st / Lamont Peter, 9 Nelson st / McNeilage Robert, 4 Nelson st
/ Ryburn James, 25 Main st / Wallace James, 19 Main st / Wright John, 68 Nelson
Carpenters, Wrights & Cabinet Makers
Alexander William, 2 Lade st / Blair Robert, 42 Main st / Carswell Alexander, 24
Main st / Crawford James, 7 Troon st / Duff John & Co, 52 Main st / Fife
Robert, 13 Boyd st / Fleck James, 66 Main st / Hendry Alexander, 51 Gateside st
/ Jack Adam, 3 Troon st / Sawers John, 1 Waterside st / Snodgrass John, 18 Main
st Coopers Greg James, Main st / McNeil William, Gallowgate st
Fire & Office Agents
Hercules, James Lang, Bath st / McNeil William, Gallowgate street
Boag Hugh, 11 Gallowgate square / Jamieson Janet, 1 Main st / Logan John, 10
Gallowgate square / McFarlane John, 65 Main st / Spiers John, 16 Main st
Blair Margaret, 13 Paper row / Boag Janet (tea dealer), Gallowgate square /
Craig Hugh, 61 Nelson st / Gemmell William, 1 Main st / Henderson Jean, Boyd st
/ Hendry Girzel, 52 Main st / Hendry Peter, 5 Main st / Hill Archibald, 53 Main
st / Knox William, Fairlie / Lyle John, 38 Main st / McKechnie John, 28 Main st
/ McLean Janet, 22 New st / Moudie John, 21 Gateside st / Patrick Robert, 10
Kirk close / Spiers John, 16 Main st / Stewart William, 20 Wilson st / Underwood
Matthew, 75 Main st / Wardrop Robert, 12 Wilson st / Whiteford Robert, 16 Main
Hair Dressers
Johnston Edward, 12 main st / Wilson Richard, 20 Main st
Innkeepers & Vitners
Arthur Jno. (White Hart) 9 Gallowgate / Boag James, Fairlie / Clark Wm, (Glasgow
Arms) 8 Gallowgate / Craig Hugh, 61 Nelson st / Fleek John, 66 Main st / Gemmell
William, 1 Main st / Hendry Peter, 5 Main st / Hill Archibald, 53 Main st / Hill
Janet (Weavers' Arms), Gallowgate / Jamieson Robert, (Thistle) Gallowgate / King
Barbara, 24 Main st / King Mary, 18 Gallowgate / Knox William, Fairlie / Lade
John, 70 Main st / Logan John, 10 Gallowgate square / McFarlane John, 65 Main st
/ McMillan Archibald, 6 Troon st / McNaught Jean, Fairlie / Morris Daniel
(Burns' Tavern) 1 Waterside st / Morris John, 5 Gallowgate / Muir John, (Star)
Forth st / Patrick Robert, 10 Kirk close / Small Robt, 64 Main st / Strachan
Thos. (Brisbane Arms) 3 Main st / Underwood Matthew, 75 Main st / Whiteford
Robert, 16 Main st / Workman John, 35 main st / Wyllie Hugh, 2 Troon st
Linen & Woollen Drapers
Clark James, 69 Main st / Malcolm William, Nelson st
Henry John, Nosedale / Morris John, Gogo mill
Milliners and Dress Makers
Hall Anne, 9 Boyd st / Jamieson Janet, 6 Main st / McLean Charlotte, 13 Nelson st
Cunningham John, hill st / McLennan William & Co. 14 Main st
Seedsmen & Gardeners
Armour Jean, Haeley / Martin Daniel, 21 Gallowgate st
Stone Masons
Beith Robert, (& builder) 62 Nelson st / Peterson Jno. (& builder) 6 Wilson
Campbell John, M.D. 3 Gallowgate st / Caskie James, 70 main st
Angus Hugh, 20 Gallowgate / Hendry Archibald, 13 Main st / McKellar Neil, 2 Bath st / McKirdy John, 16 Main st / McNicol Peter, 6 main st / Miller John,
24 main st / Wishart William, 5 Main st
Tin-Plate Workers and Ironmongers
Armstrong David, 13 main st / Banker David, 19 Gallowgate / Glen Robert, 69 Main st
See carpenters & Cabinet Makers
Beith John, 1 Main st / Orr Robert, Gogo st
Boyd William, druggist, 18 Gallowgate st / Brown Robert, coast waiter, Boyd st /
Campbell Hugh, harbour master, Boyd st / Crawford Archibald, watch maker, 6
Manse ct / Fleek Ann, coal dealer, 13 Gallowgate sq / Henderson Janet, straw hat
maker, Forth st / Kelly Kitty, earthenware dealer, 11 Main>st / McLuckie
William, plasterer, 65 Nelson st / Malcolm Jas, piano-forte tuner, 21 Nelson st
/ Morris John, fishmonger, Gallowgate st / Morrison James, bookseller and
circulating library, 6 Main st / Savings Bank, 1 Main st - John Beith treasurer
/ Spence John, bath-keeper, Bath st
Places of Worship
Established Church, Largs - Rev. John Dow / United Sucession, Largs Rev. / Relief Church, Largs / Established Church, Fairlie - Rev. James Gardner
To GLASGOW and PAISLEY, James Allan, from Wilson st, every Tuesday.
To GREENOCK, James Arthur, from Main st, every Tuesday, and James Allan,
from Wilson st, every Friday.
To IRVINE and SALTCOATS, Jas Allan, from Wilson st every Wednesday.
Conveyance by Water
Steam Packets
To ARDROSSAN, the St Mungo and the Victor, daily (Sunday excepted), calling at Millport.
To AYR, the St Mun, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and the Nimrod every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, both calling at Millport.
To GREENOCK and GLASGOW, the James Denniston, every morning at seven, the Victor at eight, the St Mungo at nine, and the Nimrod and St Mun every alternate day.
To the ISLE OF CUMBRAE, a ferry Boat, three times a day.
To MILLPORT, the James Denniston daily.