Maybole is a small,
neat, market and post town, the capital of the parish of its name and the
district of Carrick; 87 miles sw from Edinburgh, 52 n from Portpatrick, 44 ssw
from Glasgow, 25 w from Ballantrae, 22 s from Kilmarnock, 12 n by e from Girvan,
and between 8 and 9 s from Ayr; situate in a most delightful part of the
country, on the face of a gentle eminence wit a southerly exposure, and
surrounded by lovely scenery, formed of parks, highly cultivated, and hill and
dale, with a sea-view of the "busy Firth of Clyde" opening on the
Maybole was created
a free burgh of barony on 14th November, 1516, and a grant to Gilbert Earl of
Cassilis, the patron, and to the provost and prebendaries of the collegiate
church of Maybole, to which belonged the lands whereon the town stands. In
October, 1639, an act, ordaining the head court of Carrick to be held at
Maybole, was passed by the Lords of the Articles.
The streets of the
town are narrow, and contain no eminently fine places or public buildings; but
it nevertheless possesses, in a certain degree, a character of massive
magnificence seldom seen in much larger places. This is attributable to the
circumstance of its having been, in former times, the winter residence of many
of the noble and baronial families of the neighbourhood, some of whose mansions
yet standing, with their turrets, impart an air of antique dignity to the houses
around. Several of the dwellings now inhabited by weavers bear a venerable
aspect, and doubtless were at a distant period the domiciles of more dignified
personages. The mansion-house or castle of the Cassilis family is the finest
surviving specimen of the winter seats formerly existing in Maybole; it is a
stately well built structure, situate at the east end of the town, and is said
to have been the residence of the repudiated Countess of Cassilis. The building
now used as a town-hall belonged to the Kennedys of Blairquhar.
The principal
business carried on here is weaving for the Glasgow houses, in which branch
there are many local agents employed, and many families indefatigably occupied.
The collegiate church has been for some time in ruins, and the ground
appropriated as a private cemetery for the Cassilis family. A church of the
national establishment, and one of the seceders or burghers, comprised the
religious edifices until the 28th June, 1824, when the first stone of a
Methodist chapel was laid; the Church of England service, however, is performed
in the subscription school once a month. The parochial school dispenses
instruction to about 170 boys and girls, who are taught all the sciences and
some of the polite branches of literature.
Yearly and
quarterly meetings of the "Carrick Farmers' Society" are held in the
town-hall; the annual one is on the first Thursday of August, and the quarterly
on the first Thursday in the months of February, May and November; the quarterly
in August merges in the yearly assemblage.
A "Knox"
club was instituted in 1824, for the purpose of communicating the serious
exertions of that extraordinary man.
In the vicinity are
many interesting objects, among which is the celebrated ruin called Crossraguel
(noticed in the sketch of Kirkoswald); Kilbenzie Castle, now in a similar state
of dilapidation, once belonging to a branch of the Cassilis family, who were for
a long period hereditary bailles of Carrick; and the remains of Greenan Castle
half a mile from the town. Ancient coins have been frequently found, and a vast
quantity was some years ago discovered, in fine preservation, in this district.
In the neighbourhood are two remarkably fine springs of water, popularly named
"St Cuthbert's" and "Well-trees"; the latter is said to
yield ten thousand imperial gallons per hour.
The market is held
on Thursday, and there are the following annual fairs; Candlemass Fair, the
second Thursday of February; Beltan Fair, the second Tuesday of May; Lammas
Fair, the second Tuesday of August; and the Halloween Fair, the second Tuesday
of November.
Culroy is a small
village in the parish of Maybole, three miles and a half from that town, and on
the road to Ayr, from which it is five miles and a half distant.
Maybole, William
Rennie, Post master - Letters from Glasgow and England arrive every night at
ten, and are despatched every night at a quarter past nine - Letters from
Portpatrick and Ireland arrive every night at a quarter past nine, and are
despatched every night at ten.
Ballentine, James, esq of Blairston
Bell, Capt. John, Sunnyside
Campbell, Mrs Agnes, New yards
Crawford, William esq, of Doonside
Ferguson, John esq, of Monkwood
Grey, Rev George, Manse, Kirkland
Hutchinson, Mrs Mary, New yards
Kelso, Mr Archibald, Sawchrie
Logan, Mrs Agnes, Mayburgh cottage
McTyer, Mrs Janet, of Red brae
Ramsey, Mrs Helen, St John's
Rankine, James esq, Broch
Rankine, John esq, Knockdaw
Rankine, James MD Otterdon
Thompson, Rev John
Wilson, Miss Margaret, Duncanland
Gray, Elizabeth, Duncanland
McCaig, John, Calrow
McGarragh, James, Wilson square
McMaster, Hugh, Burns
McNab, Thomas, Kirkland
Nicholson, Eliza & Jane, Whitehall st
Parochial School, the Green - Rev John Inglis, master
Subscription School, Dangerland str
AGENTS TO MANUFACTURERS (for Glasgow Weaving):
Brown, David, High st
Dunlop, Robert, High st
Gibson, Matthew, Weaver vennel
Gundie, William, High st
McMillan, Richard, Kirkland
Murdock, James, High st
Shaw, Thomas, High st
White, Robert (& Paisley muslins), New yards
White, Robert, Whitehall st
Cathcart, Elizabeth, High st
Gibson, David, High st
Main, James, High st
Sinclair, Peter, High st
Ayr Bank (Branch) - (draws on Hunter & Co, Ayr, Royal Bank,
Glasgow, Sir William Forbes & Co, Edinburgh, and Herries, Farquhar
and Co, London) - William Niven, agent
Ayrshire Bank (Branch) - ( draws on Royal Bank, Edinburgh and
Glasgow & Williams, Deacon & Co, London) - Wm Brown, agent
Black, William, Curral glen
Haswell, John, New yards
Heterick, Alexander, Culroy
Livingstone, John, Well path
Merry, James, High st
Campbell, William, (and bookbinder), Kirk wynd
Porteous, Mitchelson (and
printer), High st
Baird, Thomas, High st
Crawford, Charles, Weaver vennel
Forsythe, William, School vennel
Gammel, Alexander, Kirkland
Gibson, Adam, Culroy
Gray, Gilbert, High st
Gray, James, School vennel
Kerr, Robert, School vennel
McCrindle James, Green side
McCrindle, Robert, High st
McTyer, John, High st
Muir, James, High st
Ross, John, New yards
Wilson, David, Culroy
Dick, Quintin, Drumellon st
Ferguson, Hugh, High st
Gardiner, John, Culroy
Goodall, Alexander, Kirkland
Haswell, John, New yards
Hunter, Allan, Reform place
Jamieson, James, Culroy
Kerr, James, School vennel
McKall, William, Whitehall st
McLachlan, Campbell, Kirk wynd
McRonald, Thomas, Green side
Rennie, Thomas Green head
Ross, William, Whitehall st
Shaw, John, Knox st
Stewart, William, Maybole
Dalziel, William, High st
Osborne, John, High st
Cook, Alexander, High st
Hattorn, Fergus, High st
McFarlane, William, High st
Begg, John, Kirk wynd
Stellie, John, Reform place
Caledonian, Wm Nevin, High st
Scottish Amicable, Walter Andrews, New yards
Scottish Equitable, Wm Rennie, High st
Scottish Union, William Brown, High street
West of Scotland, Walter Andrews, New yards
Kerr, Robert, School vennel
McCreath, John, Inche's close
Murray, Hugh, Knox st
Porteous, John, High st
Sinclair, John, Market close
Baird, James, High st
Baird, Margaret, High st
Brown, David, Whitehall st
Crawford, James, High st
Dunlop, Robert, Welltrees
Eaglesham, Robert, High st
Edgar, James, Weaver vennel
Ferguson, Hugh, High st
Girvan, Hugh, Weaver vennel
Goudie, William, High st
Gray, James, High st
Gray, John, High st
Hannay, John, Kirk wynd
Henderson, William, Kirkland
McClure, Catherine, New yards
McIlwraith, Thomas, New yards
McMillan, Richard, Kirkland
McMurtrie, James, Kirk wynd
McTyer, Elizabeth, High st
Marshall, William, Weaver vennel
Murdock, James,
Neilson, Edward, High st
Orr, Jane, High st
Pollock, William, New yards
Porteous, John, High st
Reid, Francis, Whitehall
Roy, John, Weaver vennel
Stewart, Jane, High st
Thomson, Alexander, High st
White, Robert, New yards
White, Robert, Whitehall st
Cassilis, John Pollock, High st
King's Arms (and livery stables), James Rennie, High st
Sun, James Brownlee, High st
McKall, William, High st
Rennie, William, (and stamp distributor), High st
Agricultural society's, High st, - William Brown, librarian
Porteous, Mitchelson (circulating), High st
Subscription Reading Room, High st, - Robt. Eaglesham, mangr
Town Library, Mitchelson Porteous, librarian
Baird, Andrew, High st
Bryce, William, High st
Dunn, James, High st
Dunn, Thomas, High st
Galloway, John, High st
Gibson, John May, High st
McCubbin, John, Kirklands
Muir, Alexander, High st
Rennie, William, High st
Bell, Thomas, Maybole
Hannay, William, School vennel
Balfour, Elizabeth, (& stay maker), Duncanland
Brackenridge, Margaret Jesse (and straw hat maker)
Crawford, Jane, High st
Crawford, Janet, Maybole
Gardner, Margaret, Kirk wynd
Girvan, Agnes, Duncanland
Gray, Margaret,
McCrindle, Jane (& straw hat maker)
McCrindle, Margt. (& straw hat maker)
Murray, Anna Bella
Patterson, Jane (milliner)
Rennie, Janet, Green head
Ross, Sarah, High st
Shaw, Ann
Stewart, Ellen, High st
White, Mary (straw hat maker)
Fisher, William, Maybole
Livingston, John, Well path
Allen, Maxwell (& glazier), Maybole
Shaw, Thomas, Whitehall
Cooke, Alexander (surgeon), High st
Girvan, William, MD
Hathorn, Fergus, MD, High st
Logan, Hugh, High st/
McFarlane, William, High st
McTyer, William, MD, Red brae
Cathcart, George, High st
Ramsey, James, Whitehall
Wilson, Primrose Kennedy, High st
Alexander, Hugh, Maybole
Bryce, Alexander, Maybole
Campbell, William, Grey st
Cook, James, Maybole
Graham, John, Maybole
Hunter, Allen, Reform place
Kerr, Robert, Maybole
Milligan, Thomas, Maybole
Sym, William, Maybole
Templeton, James, Culroy
Wale, John, Maybole
Wallace, John, Maybole
Wilson, Gilbert, Culroy
Gilmour and Hamilton, Maybole
McClure, James, Mason row
Wilson, Gilbert, Culroy
Aird, James, Culroy
Alexander, John, High st
Fulton, John, Maybole
Kennedy, David, Maybole
McKay, Edward, Kirk wynd
McKay, Neil, Kirkland
McCubbin, Andrew, Kirkland
McMurtrie, David (& clothier), High st
McQuater, Thomas, High st
Maxwell, Archibald, High st
Stewart, Quintan, High st
Watson, John (& clothier), New yards
Cowan, Richard, High st
Sim, James, Post-office st
Black, William, Maybole
Cunningham, Wm, (Coach & Horses), Culroy
Edgar, James, Maybole
Gibson, Ann, School vennel
Girvan, Hugh, (Black Bull), Kirkland
Lamont, John, Culroy
McJannet, William, Kirkland
McKlune, James, Maybole
Merry, James, High st
Murray, Hugh, (Red Lion), Knox st
Purden, Robert, Maybole
Ramsey, John, Maybole
Tennant, Euphemin, (Buck's Head), Kirkland
Kennedy, John, High st/
Kennedy, John jnr, High st
Logan, Thomas, High st
Andrews, Walter, New yard
Brown, William, Maybole
Hannay, William, Maybole
Andrews, Walter, district procurator fiscal, New yard
Bell, David, tea dealer, Maybole
Bell, Thomas, auctioneer, Back vennel
Brownlee, James, farrier, High st
Cowan, Richard, plumber, High st
Crawford, Hugh, tanner, High st
Fulton, John, veterinary surgeon, High st
Gas Works, Dangerland - Thos McMurtrie, manager
Hannah, Wm, barber and cutler, Kirkland
Johnston, John, excise gauger, Maybole
Lamont, James, woollen manufactr, Culroy
McClatchie, John, grain dealer, New yards
Neil, Janet, tallow chandler, Maybole
Reid, James Hamilton, road surveyor, Duncanland
Stewart, John, wig maker, High st
Church of Scotland, New yards - Rev George Gray
Church of England Subscription School
Burghers' Chapel, Knox street - Rev John Thomson
Methodist Chapel, Wilson Sq