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A small sea-port village, in the parish of its name, is 105 miles sw from Edinburgh, 68 sw from Glasgow, 34 s of Ayr, 24 nne of Portpatrick, 18 n of Straurarr, 13 s by w of Girvan, and 25 ssw of Maybole, situate near the south western extremity of the county, and on the banks of the river Stinchar, which here falls into the Firth of Clyde. It is principally supported by its fishing of salmon and cod-fish, and by the manufacture of coarse linen and plaids, in the weaving of which about 50 looms are employed; the salmon fishing belongs to the Earl of Stair.The approach to the town from Straurarr is over the river across which is an excellent stone bridge of three well proportioned arches. On the right, near the bridge, stand the ruins of Ald-Stinchar castle, which formerly belonged to the Hamilton family, and was inhabited by them about 160 years ago; the ancient clock, belonging to the tower now standing, is still used as time keeper for the town. Old kirkcudbright kirk, now in ruins, gives a mournful yet pleasing effect to the surrounding scenery. The present kirk is a neat modern building, ornamented with stone, in the plain Gothic style. There are several schools in the parish, including Sunday, parochial and private schools. In addition to his salary, the master of the parocial school enjoys the interest of £100 bequeathed for the education of poor children of the parish. There are no resident magistrates; and the nearest court is held at Girvan, where small debts are recoverable only by summons. Ballantrae is without either fairs or weekly market, but there is an annual cattle show in the month of June.

Post Office John Millar, Post master. Letters from Portpatrick and Glasgow arrive every day at half past one, and are despatched to the south at the same hour - Letters to the north are despatched every evening at six.

Anderson, Rev Robert DD Glendrissale
Donaldson, John Esq of Auchairne
Kennedy, Captain Hew Ferguson of Bennan
McIlraith, James jnr Esq (magistrate) of Auchenflower
Melroy, Rev John manse

Dickie, William 
Donnan, Peter 
Eglesham, James
Ferguson, John 
McCredie, James

Aitken, Mary shopkeeper 
Brown, Crawford tailor
Clark, William blacksmith 
Cumming, William boat builder
Donovan, Peter shoe maker 
Eglesham, James shoe maker
Ferguson, William tailor 
Hunter, Ann shopkeeper
McCredie, James shopkeeper 
McKissock, Andrew mason
McKissock, James mason 
McKissock, William mason
McLeod, John shopkeeper 
McWhirter, James tailor
McWhirter, Robert joiner & cartwright 
Millar, John master of parochial school 
Millar, John jnr shoe maker 
Milroy, Janet dress maker
Scott, James shoe maker 
Scott, Jane dress maker
Scott, John shoe maker 
Scott, William mason
Sherar, John blacksmith South Luggan 
Small, William cooper
Stewart, John surgeon 
Tait, John blacksmith
Wright, Andrew shopkeeper

Steam Packets
To and from Glasgow and Stranraer, the "Loch Ryan" and the "Nimrod" call occasionally.

This transcript was kindly provided by Keith Muirhead from the Sunshine Coast of Queensland.