COLMONEL - 1837 - Ayrshire Directory by Pigot & Co
Is a small village in the parish of its name, 100 miles from Edinburgh, 32
from Ayr, and 5 from Ballantrae, situate on the north bank of the Stinchar, a stream famed for its salmon and trout. In the village is a parochial
school, a boarding school for boys, and an antiburghers meeting-house; there is also within the parish a cameronian place of worship. The extent of this
district is 20 miles in length by 9 broad; it is composed of good pasture, and undergoing great improvements. There are in all 23 inheritors, but the
chief part is the property of the Duke and Duchess de Coigney, Sir William Fertis, the Marques of Allan, Dr Hamilton and Mr Thomas Kennedy of Dunure.
The picturesque ruins of Craignell, Kirkhill, Rockdolean, Pinwherry, Knockdow, and Carleton castles, are to be seen in this parish, which also
abounds in time. It is bounded on the north and west by the mouth of the Clyde. The nearest approximation for persons desirious of visiting the
far-famed Ailsa Craig is from Lendlefoot in this neighbourhood. Fairs are held here on the first Monday in the months of February, May, August and
November, old style; there are also four quarterly cattle- markets at the village of Barrhill, seven miles distant, in this parish.
Post Office David Drynan - Post master Letters from Ballantrae arrive every morning at nine and are despatched every afternoon at three.
Blair, Rev Thomas manse
Kennedy, Lieut. Robert Thomson of Dalgarrock
Laing, Rev Ebenizer (Antiburgher)
McIlraith, Robert Auchenflower
West, Rev John (Cameronian)
Drynan, David McBlain,
William McCoyd, James
McCracken, John
McCredie, Elizabeth
Agnew, Agnes dress maker
Dick, David surgeon
Finley, John blacksmith
Forgie, Gilbert shopkeeper
Forgie, John shopkeeper
Holmes, Gilbert blacksmith
Holmes, Margaret dress maker
Jamieson, John master of parocial and boarding school
Kennedy, James shopkeeper
Logan, Peter cartwright
McConghie, Thomas mason
McConghie, William mason
McCracken, John baker
McCreath, Ann dress maker
McCreedie, James shoe maker
McCreedie, Robert tailor
McHallum, Hugh shoe maker
McMaldroch, James joiner and cabinet maker
McMaster, James shoemaker
McWhirter, Jas cart and millwright
Maxwell, John mason Muir, John mason
Nelson, William shoe maker
Shaw, Robert tailor
Templeton, John mason
Thompson, Elizabeth shopkeeper
Watt, John tailor |
This transcript was kindly provided by Keith
Muirhead from the Sunshine Coast of Queensland.