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Ayrshire Directory - 1837 - by Pigot & Co
Is a parish in the district of Cunningham, about nine miles in length and six in breadth. At a former period the district was a fen or moss, and hence it is supposed to have acquired its name; but it has undergone most material improvement, and the greater proportion of the parish is now under cultivation. The Kirktown of Fenwick is cheerfully situate on the banks of the Mabernock stream, and on the road from Glasgow to Kilmarnock - 18 miles sw of the former, and about three n by e of the latter town. There is another village, sometimes called Rose-Fenwick, on the same road, about a quarter of a mile south from the Kirktown. Guthrie, a noted champion of the covenant before and after the reformation, was the minister of this parish; he was a celebrated and very eccentric preacher, distinguished by the title of "the Fool of Fenwick", an appellation which even appeared on the title-pages of his published sermons. The places of worship are a church of the establishment, and one for a united seccession congregation. The principal landowners are the Dowager Marchioness of Hastings, the Earl of Glasgow, and William H Crawford Esq. Cattle fairs are held on the first Wednesday in May, and the first Tuesday in November. Post - Letters arrive from and are despatched to Kilmarnock, daily.

Crawford, William H, Esq (of Crawford), Land castle
Ferguson, Rev Robert, Manse
Mitchell, Jas, esq, of Darwhilling
Orr, Rev William, United Seccession Church
Smith, William, esq, of Hillhouse cottage

Currie, James, Stevenston, surgeon
Fairlie, John, schoolmaster
Mitchell, Alexander, schoolmaster
Nelson, William L, schoolmaster
Taylor, John, surgeon
Thomson, James, professor of dancing and music, Hall house
Wallace, James, schoolmaster

Allan, James
Allan, John
Wallace, James
Wyllie, Janet

Baird, John, baker
Bicket, Hugh, grocer
Borland, Alexander, grocer
Boyd, James, grocer
Fulton, Alexander, grocer
Gilmore, Robert, tailor
Lockhart, James, grocer
Orr, Robert, tailor
Sinclair & Galt, cartwrights
Thomson, Hugh, grocer
Thomson, William, stocking maker
Wallace, Jas, stone mason
Wallace, John, smith and plough wright
Young, William, joiner

To and from Glasgow and Kilmarnock, pass through daily.

This transcript was kindly provided by Keith Muirhead from the Sunshine Coast of Queensland.