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Ayrshire Directory - 1837 - by Pigot & Co

Is a considerable village, or rather town, in the parish of its name, and district of Kyle-Stewart, eligably situate on the left bank of the Irvine, on the road from Edinburgh to Ayr, and from Dumfries to Glasgow; it is 22 miles from the latter city, 16 se of Ayr, and five from Kilmarnock; seated in a hollow, sheltered on all sides by rising grounds. The principal employment of the labouring classis weaving; there is manufactory for muslins, another for linens and three for bonnets. The stream of the river, which is crossed by a stone bridge of three arches, gives motion to two corn-mills, another for preparing flax, and one for making paper; besides these various means of employment, another occupation is found in raising coals, of which a considerable quantity is obtained from estates of the Duke of Portland, who is superior of the parish. A court is held in Galston, on the last Thursday monthly, for the recovery of small debts, and the administration of justice in affairs of minor importance. Here are no fewer than five benefit societies, a bible and missionary association, two Sabbath evening schools, wherein 200 children receive the advantages of instruction, and a subscription library. The parish extends about thirteen miles in length, by about four to five in breadth; laying in the upper part of the county, contiguous to Lanarkshire; and seperated by the Irvine from the parish of Loudon, on the north, Sorn bounding it on the south. The surface is diversified with hills, but the land is generally arable, and there is a considerable quantity of wood. The district is watered by some small tributaries of the Irvine, and the river Avon, which rises in the upper part of the parish. About a mile from the town is Loudon castle, a large and magnificent structure, in the modern casteilated style; this, together with the old castles of Cessnock and Bar, surrounded as they are by natural and artificial woods, highly enhance the beauty of this district - in which is also Paties' Mill, celebrated in the delightful song called "The Lass of Paties' Mill". The annual fairs are on the third Thursday in April, the first Thursday in June, and about the first of December.

Post Office, William McHoull, Post Master - Letters from all parts arrive every morning at eight, and are despatched every afternoon at a quarter past four.

Blackwood, Rev. James, Wallace St
Campbell, John, Esq ., Sornbeg
Fairlie, James Esq., Holms
Stirling, Rev Robert, Manse

Brown, Hugh, Wallace st
Ewing, Isabella, Garden st
Parochial School, Alexander McNaught, master
Stirling, Rev Robert, (gent's boarding) Manse

Allison, William, Titchfield st
Gibb, James, Titchfield st
Goldie, John, Orchard st
Johnston, Hugh, Titchfield st
Mair, Robert, Orchard st
Wallace, John, Titchfield st

Andrew, James, Bridge
Torrance, James, Wallace st
Warnock, Andrew, Polwhat st

Findlay, John & Robt, Henrietta st
Wallace, James (and plough maker), Cross

Richmond, Alexander, Garden st
Richmond, Hugh, Garden st
Richmond, Hugh jnr, Titchfield st

Dunn, Douglas, Titchfield st
Hargreave, James, Brewland st
Highet, Gabriel, Wallace st
McDonald, Michael, Orchard st
Meickle, William, Wallace st
Nisbet, James, Wallace st
Paterson, George, Brewland st
Paton, John, Polwhat st

Lanox, Hugh, Wallace st
McCormick, Andrew (and millwright), Wallace st
Paterson, Matthew, Wallace st

Gibb, Janet, Bridge st
Hamilton, Ann, Brewland st
Kay, Mary, Bridge st 
McLuckie, Sarah, Brewland st
Wallace, Jane, Titchfield st

Lambie, Alexander, Bridge st
Morton, John, Polwhat st 
Paton, Robert, Wallace st
Thomson, Hugh, Brewland st

Andrew, James, Bridge st
Caldwell, James, Polwhat st
Dunlop, William, Wallace st
Gibb, William, Titchfield st
Hutchinson, Jane, Brewland st 
McDonald, Elizabeth, Bridge st
Mchoull, William, Bridge st
Meickle, Thomas, Bridge st
Paterson, Agnes, Wallace st
Paterson, James, Titchfield 
Pollock, Marthe, Bridge st
Porter, Jane, Brewland st
Reid, Hugh, Henrietta st
Reid, James, Bridge st
Wallace, Marths, Orchard st
Whyte, Andrew, Brewland st
Wilson, Janet, Titchfield st
Young, Mary, Brewland st
Young, Robert, Henrietta st

Caldwell, James, Polwhat st
Campbell, John, Polwhat st
Dunn, Douglas, Titchfield st
Frame, James (Loudon Arms), Waterside
Hamilton, Robert (Black Bull), Bridge st
Morton, John, Bridge st
Paton, John, Polwhat st
Richmond, Jas, Mason, Brewland st
Wilson, Samuel (Portland Arms), Brewland st

Parlane, Robert, Orchard st
Yewdale, Abraham, Pie lane

Aitken, Christina, Bridge st
Howat, William, Bridge st
Wallace, John, Titchfield st

Good, George (muslin), Wallace st
Mair, Robert (linen), Orchard st

Hunter, William, Barr mill
Scoular, Robert, Paties mill

Hutchinson, Cunningham, Orchid st
Hutchinson, John, Henrietta st
Hutchinson, John jnr, Pie lane

Menzies, Peter, Henrietta st
Neil, Robert, Titchfield st
Shields & Howat, Bridge st
Wallace, Robert, Orchard st

Frame, Thomas, Waterside
Hamilton, George, Brewland st
Wallace, John, Bridge st

Campbell, Jno (& draper), Bridge st
Galt, Jas, (& draper) Henrietta st
Marsh, George, Orchard st
Parker, Robert, Bridge st
Richmond, Henry,
Henrietta st
Scott, John, Bridge st

Anderson, Wm, stone dealer, Barrward quarry
Bryce, Alexander, cooper, Brewland st
Douglas, Walter, watch maker, Polwhat st
Eaton, Andrew, turner, Cross
Hamilton, William, tin-smith, Titchfield st
Harrison, John, Excise officer, Bridge st
McCormick, Andrew, millwright, Wallace st
McHallum, John, flax dresser, Long house
Marshal, Alexander, saddler, Bridge st
Parker, Matthew, lime burner, Cessnock
Wardrop, John, brewer, Wallace st
White, George, glazier, Wallace st
Wilson, William, saw mill, Long house
Young, James, stocking maker, Brewland st
Young, Margt, ironmonger, Henrietta st

Established Church, Rev Robert Stirling
United Seccession Church, Rev James Blackwood

To Edinburgh - the "Marques of Hastings" (from Ayr), passes every morning at ten: goes through New Milne, Durval and Strathaven
To Ayr - the "Marques of Hastings" (from Edinburgh), passes every afternoon at three; goes thro' Kilmarnock
To Kilmarnock - a Car, from the Portland Arms, every Friday morning at 10

To Glasgow - Robert Wilson, every Tuesday morning and Thursday night, and Samuel Wilson, every Tues morn
To Kilmarnock - James Robertson, every morning

This transcript was kindly provided by Keith Muirhead from the Sunshine Coast of Queensland.