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1837 Ayrshire Directory - 1837 - by Pigot & Co

Is a Royal burgh, the seat of a presbytry, a seaport, and the capital of the parish of its name; 67 miles wsw of Edinburgh, 25 ssw of Glasgow, 11 s of Ayr, the like distance s of Beith and between 6 and 7 w of Kilmarnock; it is in the district of Cunningham, agreeable placed on rising ground, on the north bank of the river Irvine, about a mile from its juncture with the sea. The situation of the town is dry and airy, a broad street running from south-east to north-west the whole length of it. On the northern side of the river, but connected to the town by a bridge (the widest and handsomest in the county), there is a row of houses on each side of the road leading to the harbour; these are built on a uniform plan, and are mostly inhabited by seafaring people; a number of houses of a similar description appears on the road leading to Ayr. None of these suburbs are within the Royalty but are located in the parish of Dundonald. At the centre of the burgh is the town-house, which bears a striking resemblance to that of Annan. Irvine is a town of considerable antiquity as appears from the records of the burgh. Alexander II having granted a charter to the burgesses confirming some prior royal grants; from another similar document it is apparent that the burgesses were in possession of the entire barony of Cunningham and Largs. The burgh is governed by a provost, two bailees and a dean of guild, a treasurer and 12 councillors; and unites with Ayr, and with Cambletown, Invarary and Oban, in Argyleshire, in returning one member of parliament, the present representative is Lord James Stuart, and the number of constituants at the last election was 249. A bailee court is held every Monday, and one for recovery of small debts on every alternate Monday. The trade of the port consists principally of the export of coal; and the imports are iron, timber, slates, limestone and grain. the number of vessels belonging to Irvineis 106 - tonnage 11545. In the coasting trade, according to latest returns, there were vessels entered inward 3792 - tonnage 256,087, vessels outward 3711 - tonnage 250,877, of foreign vessels, inward, there were 63 - tonnage 4795, outward, 89 - tonnage 6314. There are mills belonging to the burgh, which in point of architecture, and machinery, are unequalled in the county. A great number of females are employed in handsewing - and bought by an agent, having paid for the last eight years upwards of £8000 per annum. A considerable manufacturory for anchors and chain cable, a shipbuilding yard and roperies, are the other principal branches of trade of this seat of industry. The church, which is a handsome stone building with a spire and a clock, stands on a rising ground between the town and the river, and is an ornament to the place; it commands extensive views of the Firth of Clyde, and of the stupendous mountains of the lake of Arran. There are four other places of worship, all of them neat structures. At the North end of the town an academy was erected in 1814 at an expense of £2250; of which sum the burgh gave £1633 and the remainder was supplied by public subscription; in this institution which is an embellishment and honour to Irvine, are three teachers, by whom are taught, on very moderate terms, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, English, the mathematics, writing, arithemic etc. Besides a variety of private seminaries, there is a free school, also maintained by public spirit and pecunary aid, which instructs about 120 people; the master receives a yearly salary of £50. There are likewise numerous Sabbath-schools, several friendly societies and a savings-bank. The news-room here is furnished with London, Edinburgh and many of the Scotch provincial papers; an extensive subscription library, also, affords a fund of literary amusement and information to its numerous members; and there is an excellent circulating library in the High-street conducted by Mr Dick. Races take place annually in Eglintown park, which continues for six days on and after the third Monday in August. The weekly market is held on Saturday; and the fairs on the first Wednesday in January, the first Tuesday in May and the third Wednesday in August. 

Post Office High-street John Dean, postmaster. The Kilmarnock, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Irish mails arrive every morning at a quarter before seven and the English mail arrives every evening at half past six; and they are despatched every evening at half past five and nine.

Auld, Mrs Margaret High St/ Barclay, Rev George Hammel field/ Boyle, Colonel of Shewaiton/ Brooks, Capt. John of Knockwart/ Buchanan, David Snodgrass Esq of Cunningham head/ Caldwell, The misses Kirkgate/ Cameron, Rev. Francis High St/ Cameron, Mrs Agnes High St/ Campbell, Rev Alex Cotton Row/ Craig, the misses High St/ Cunningham, Archibald Esq Thornton/ Davidson, Thomas Esq of Drumley/ Davidson, Thos jnr Esq of Drumley/ Donald, Miss Ann Ferguson cottage/ Dunlop, Mrs Agnes Dunlop Place/ Dunlop, James Esq Hill St/ Eglintoun, the Right Hon. the Earl of Eglintoun Castle/ Farrie, miss Agnes Hill St/ Farrie, miss Jean Hill St/ Faulds, Archibald Esq Roseholme/ Ferguson, John Esq of Whitelees/ Fullarton, Colonel S.M. of Fullarton/ Fullarton, George Esq of Fullarton/ Gardiner, Adjutant Wm Seggin Bank/ Gilkson, Capt James High St/ Hamilton, miss Catherine Seggin Bank/ Hill, _______ Esq of Ravenscroft/ Howden, Rev. A Cassels Kirkgate/ Hutchinson, Rev. _____ High St/ Jameson, Rev. _____ manse, Dreghorne/ Johnston, George Esq Redburn/ Kennedy, Mrs Agnes Fullarton St Lamb, Sir Charles of Beauport/ Lamb, Charles Esq of Beauport/ Lang, Mrs D.Arcy Willow Bank/ Laughlan, Mrs A. Hill St/ MacBeath, Rev. ____ Fullarton St/ Macfie, Mrs Margaret Given Bank/ McLaren, Rev. Archibald Castle St/ Maclen, Alexander Esq Annick Bank/ MacRedee P.B. Muir Esq of Pierton Maull, Mrs Hill St/ Maxwell, Miss Eglintoun St/ Montgomerie, Capt A. RN of Giffen/ Montgomerie, Lady of Eglintoun castle/ Montgomerie, Mrs of Marion cottage/ Montgomerie, Mrs of Annick Lodge/ Montgomerie, Robert Esq of Craig House/ Montgomerie, William Esq Annick Lodge/ Morris, Alexander, Esq May cottage/ Orr, Mrs Margaret Kirkgate/ Paterson, Mrs Elizabeth Hill St Pollock, Dr of Barnshill/ Pollock, the misses Kirkgate/ Raltan, Alexander McDonald Esq of Warwick Hill/ Richmond, miss Jane High St/ Richmond, miss Sarah High St/ Robertson, Mrs Bower Lodge/ Roxburg, Capt Matthew Eglintoun St/ Shaw, Capt William Waterside/ Skelley, Mrs Seggin Bank/ Smith, Rev. Robert Burns St/ Thomson, Mr John Bridge gate/ Thomson, Miss Filirs Cross/ Walker, Mrs Mary Kirkgate/ Wilson, Rev. John MA manse/ Young, Mrs Dr Eglintoun St/ Young, Mrs Eglintoun St

Irvine Academy
Hebrew, Latin, Greek, French, Geography and Mathematics - Rev David Stewart rector English, Reading, Grammer and Comprehension - Rev Geo Carson Arithmetic, Bookkeeping, Navigation and Drawing - Jno White
Cameron, Rev Francis High St
Fullarton Boys School - Fullarton St - Ebenezer Clark master
Irvine Free School - Kirkgate - John Ingleton master
Osborne, Hugh (Commercial) Eglintoun St
Paton, William High St
Skelton, Mrs (Ladies Boarding) High St
Smith, Rev Robert Burns St
Smith, Robert Halfway St
Wilson, John Kirkgate

Blair, Robert Glasgow vennel/ Blackenridge, James Hill St/ Harvie, James Fullarton St/ Harvie, Robert Fullarton St/ Logan, Gilbert Fullarton St/ Montgomerie, Daniel Glasgow vennel/ Orr, John Halfway St/ Orr, William Friars croft/ Smith, John High St/ Stevenson, William High St/ Turner, John Townhead Watt, Alexander Townhead

McDougall, Duncan & Son (& Iron Founders) Halfway St

Craig, James High St/ Dean, James High St/ Gillies, David High St/ Harvie, Walter High St/ Jeffrey, Joseph Halfway St/ Lang, Henry High St/ McDonald, Daniel High St/ Smith, John Burns St/ Spiers, David Fullarton place/ Spiers, George High St/ Templeton, John High St/ Thomson, Hugh Bridge gate

Ayrshire Banking Co (Branch of) High St (Draw on the Royal Bank, Edinburgh & Glasgow, & Williams Deacon and Co, London) William Gillies, Agent
Hunters & Co Bank St (Draw on Sir William Forbes & Co, Edinburgh & Herries Farquhar & Co, London) Alex Paterson, Agent
Paisley Banking Co High St (Draw on the Royal Bank Edinburgh & Smith, Payne & Smiths, London) Robt Montgomerie, Agent
Savings Bank Bank St (open every Monday) Dav Gray, Manager

Dickie, George Quarry Lane/ Fletcher, James Backway/ Fraser, Charles High St/ McDougall, Duncan & Son Halfway St/ Stevenson, Alexander Seggin Bank

Dick, Maxwell (and circulating library) High St/ Fullarton, Robert High St/ Templeton, Helen High St

Adamson, John Bridge gate/ Ballantine, Quintine High St/ Ballantine, Robert Bridge gate/ Borland, Hugh Glasgow vennel/ Calderwood, Andrew High St/ Downs, William High St/ Ferguson, William (and leather dealer) Bridge gate/ Gray, George High St/ Hay, William Fullarton St/ Lang, James Kirkgate/ Mitchell, William High St/ Muir, Robert Hill St/ Ross, Andrew Halfway St/ Russell, Alexander Halfway St/ Shields, John Bridge gate/ Shields, William jnr Bridge gate/ Wyllie, John Bridge gate/ Wyllie, John jnr Hill St/ Wyllie, William jnr Bridge gate

Hall, William Fullerton place/ Longwell, John Bridge gate/ Robertson, John (and copper-smith) Bridge gate

Balslities, James High St/ Garven, Thomas Bridge gate/ Garven, Thomas jnr High St/ Gemmel, John Bridge gate/ Harvie, James Friars croft/ McCallister, William Sea gate/ McCallum, John Backway/ Orr, James High St/ Paul, Robert Bridge gate/ Smith, William Halfway St/ Wright, John & Son High St/ Wright, Matthew High St

Auld, Edward Marion lodge/ Malcolm, John Sea gate/ Shewalton Colliery Co - Shewalton, John Morton, Manager

Hamilton, William High St/ Wilson, John High St

Gray, William High St/ Kirkwood, Andrew Quay/ Longmuir, John Bank St/ Mather, Alexander Quay/ Smith, James Quay

Bell, John Bridge gate/ Spence, Robert High St

Brodie, James High St/ Chalmers, Robert Bridge gate/ Hart, Neill High St/ Neilson, John Halfway St

Caledonian Robert Montgomerie High St
Globe John Millar High St
Hercules Patrick Blair High St
North British Alexander Robertson High St
Norwich Union James Anderson High St
Scottish Amicable Assurance Society (Life) and West of Scotland (Fire)
Wm McJannet High St

Anderson, Thomas High St/ Anderson, William High St/ Bruce, John High St/ Gilmour, Alexander & Son High St/ Guthrie, Robert Bridge gate/ Hobart, Minehart High St/ Murdoch, James Fullarton place

Allan, James High St/ Boyd, William Fullarton St/ Crindle, Margaret Bridge gate/ Dean, Mary High St/ Harvie, Walter High St/ Lusk, Janet Bridge gate/ McGavin, Robert High St/ Mather, Robert Eglingtoun St/ Orr, John Halfway St/ Pettigrew, James High St/ Reid, Alexander Lowden St/ Salmon, Mary High St/ Shirra, John High St/ Templeton, John High St/ Urquhart, Andrew High St/ Walker, John Quay/ Wallace, Wm (& Salt dealer) High St

Chalmers, Richard Bridge gate/ Glasgow, David Halfway St/ Hamill, Anthony Eglintoun St/ Irvine, John High St/ McClintock, John High St/ McTaggart, Daniel Bridge gate/ Plenderleith, William Bridge gate

Commercial John Wyllie High St
Eglingtoun Arms Jn Murray High St
Kings Arms Saml Dunlop High St
Wheat Sheaf John Holmes High St

Davidson, John High St/ McClintock, John High St/ Thomson, William High St

Andrew, Janet High St/ Hunter, William High St/ Innes, George Fullarton place/ Orr, John Halfway St/ Paterson, John High St/ Spiers, John High St/ Thomson, William High St/ Watt, Hugh High St/ Wilkie, William High St/ Wright, Thomas Bridge gate

Campbell, Agnes Kirkgate/ Cochran, Jean High St/ Downers, Jean Sea gate/ Garvan, Janet High St/ Graham, Janet Halfway St/ Hunter, mary Hill St/ Kelso, Janet/ McCormack, Jean Bridge gate/ McIlvane, Jean High St/ Marshall, Janet High St/ Montgomerie, Jean High St/ Nisbet, Mary High St/ Orr, Agnes Halfway St/ Reid, Jean High St/ Stewart, JeanHigh St/ Wyllie, Marion Bridge gate

Duff, William Glasgow vennel/ Thomson, William High St

Gilfillan, John High St/ Watson, William Kirkgate head

Dick, Maxwell (and Lithographer) High St

Currie, Andrew (and sail maker) Fullarton St/ Hall, William Backway

Allan, John High St/ Salmon, William Blair High St

Sampson, Charles Irvine Quay

Brown, John Fullarton place/ Garvan, Thomas Bridge gate/ Wright, John & Son Bridge gate

Brown, John Fullarton place/ Keirs, John High St

Aitken, Andrew High St/ Anderson, James Fullarton place/ Brown, William Bridge gate

Anderson, Robert Sea gate/ Brackenridge, William Friars croft/ Campbell, Thomas Seggin bank/ Fotheringham, Richard Backway/ McLachlan, James Town head/ McLachlan, Walter Town head

Beckett, Magdaline Bank St/ Hare, Jean Halfway St/ McCormack, Jean Bridge gate/ Shaw, Margaret Bridge gate

Baird, John High St/ Grant, James Alexander High St/ Gray, Wm Willie (& druggist) High St/ Johnston, Peter MD Hill St/ King, John (& druggist) Bridge gate/ McDermont, John MD High St/ Montgomerie, James High St/ Young, Ebenezor (& druggist) High St

Aitken, James High St/ Barr, John Bridge gate/ Boyd, James Bridge gate/ Campbell, Hamilton & Son High St/ Campbell, John High St/ Campbell, William High St/ Crawford, John Halfway St/ Frew, Robert High St/ Logan, William Bridge gate/ McBride, David Fullarton St/ McCubbin, William High St/ Mack, David High St/ Oliver, John Fullarton St/ Robertson, William High St/ Stewart, William Bridge gate/ Thomson, John Fullarton place

Garvan, Thomas Bridge gate/ Wright, John & Son High St

Forrest, David Bridge gate/ Plenderleith, William Bridge gate

(marked thus * are also grocers)
Adams, John High St/ * Anderson, Elizabeth Halfway St/ * Anderson, Jean High St/ Anderson, Thomas (Ram) High St/ Boyd, Janet (Ship) Quay/ * Calderwood, Andrew High St/ * Calderwood, Margaret Fullarton St/ Caldwell, John High St/ Campbell, Jean (Cross Keys) High St/ Campbell, John (Campbells Arms) High St/ Close, Bernard (Burns Tavern) Quay/ * Connell, Charles Halfway St/ * Conner, John Lowden St/ * Crawford, James Fullerton place/ * Crichton, Hugh Bank St/ Dean, Helen Halfway St/ Dick, John High St/ Dickie, Geo (Turf Inn) Eglingtoun St/ Dickie, William Fullarton St/ Dunlop, David Backway/ * Dunlop, Hugh Bridge gate/ * Dunlop, Thomas High St/ Gardiner, Robert Bridge gate/ Gardiner, Robert High St/ Gomley, John Halfway St/ Gray, George High St/ Grieve, John Friars croft/ Hamilton, John High St/ Hamilton, William (Ship) Quay/ Harra, James High St/ * Henderson, Robert Halfway St/ Hobart, Minchart High St/ * Jeffrey, Robert High St/ * Kennedy, Mary (Horse and Cart) Fullarton St/ Love, John Burns St/ Lyle, William Halfway St/ McBride, John Kirkgate/ McCallum, John Quay/ McCormack, F..... Quay/ McCreadie, Johnston High St/ McMurtrie, Matthew High St/ McNeill, James Bridge gate/ Means, Mary Halfway St/ * Muir, David Fullarton place/ Neill, John (Black Bull) Fullarton place/ * Orr, John High St/ * Orr, Robert (Masons' Arms) Quay/ Orr, William (Eagle Inn) High St/ Parker, James High St/ Parker, Marion High St/ Smith, James (Star Inn) High St/ Smith, Robert Halfway St/ Spiers, David Fullarton place/ Stevenson, David (Bay of Chaleur) Quay/ Stewart, Janet High St/ Stewart, Jean High St/ Tait, David High St/ Templeton, Robert High St/ * Turner, William Eglingtoun St/ Walker, William Fullarton place/ Wallace, Andrew High St/ Wallace, John High St/ Wilkie, Mary (Ship) Quay/ Wilson, James (Cross Keys) Quay

Smith, James Bridge gate/ Smith, William Bridge gate/ Watt, John High St

Black, Robert Quarry Lane/ Crawford, Alexander Backway/ Thomson, John High St/ Wilson, John Kirkgate

Robertson, James Bank St/ Urquhart, Andrew High St

(see cabinet makers & joiners)

Blair, Patrick (& clerk of the peace and procurator) High St/ Campbell, David (pror. fiscal) High St/ Dunlop, John Kirkgate/ Ferguson, James Elm bank/ Johnston, James (&town clerk & procurator) High St/ Rankin, Robert jnr Bank St/ Rankin, Smith, and Rankin (and procurators) Kirkgate/ Robertson, Alexander High St

Aitken, James - gardiner - Kirkgate/ Anderson, James - whiskey agent - High St/ Balmillie, William - stone merchant - Burns St/ Calderwood, Andrew - goaler - High St/ Campbell, John - ship agent - High St/ Cowan, James - tallow chandler - High St/ Dunbar, Robert - gardener - High St/ Dunlop, Robert - salt dealer - Bridge gate/ Ellis, David - broker & rag dealer - High St/ Gardner, Robert - coach maker - Fullarton St/ Gray, David - brewer - Irvine Brewery/ Johnston, Alexr. - messenger - Bridge gate/ McBride, Archibald - tobacconist - High St/ McCririck, Wm - gun maker - Bridge gate/ McKinley, Thos - Block maker - Halfway St/ McMullen, Hugh - uphohsterer - Bridge gate/ Miller, George - excise officer - Eglingtoun St/ Murray, John - auctioneer - High St/ Oliphant, Jean - stay maker - Fullarton St/ Thomson, John - wood turner - High St/ Thomson, John & William - hat manufacturers - High St

Places of Worship
Established Church, Rev John Wilson MA
Relief Church Rev Archibald McLaren
The Holy Catholic Apostolic Church Rev A Cassels Howden
United Gospel Church Rev Robert Smith
United Secession Church Rev Alexander Campbell, minister
Baptist Chapel Rev Geo Barclay
Custom House
Collector Colonel S.M. Fullarton
Collector's Clerk John Miller
Comtroller & Surveyor Rt Montgomerie
Tide waiters, Wm McCredie, Robt Reid, Thomas Erskine, and Archibald McNeill
Coffee House Robert Montgomerie, treasurer and secretary
Gas Works, Bank St John Gunion, manager
Harbour Office Robert Wyllie, harbour master; Jas Johnston, treasurer
Stamp Office, High St Helen Templeton, distributor
Subscription Library Robert Blair, librarian
Tax Office John Dean, collector
Weights & Measures Office, High St Maxwell Dick - inspector for the burgh of Irvine and District of Cunningham.

To Ardrossan the "Ayrshire Lass" (from Kilmarnock), calls at the King's Arms every morning (Sun ex) at nine
To Ayr a Car, from the Bull's Head every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday morning at half past eight
To Glasgow the "Union" from the King's Arms every morning (Sunday excepted) at seven; foes through Stewarton and Dunlop
To Kilmarnock the "Time Keeper" (from Saltcoats) calls at the King's Arms, and an omnibus calls at the Wheat Sheaf, both every morning (Sunday excepted) at nine and the "Ayrshire Lass" (from Ardrossan) calls at the King's Arms every evening (Sunday excepted) at seven
To Saltcoats the "Time Keeper' (from Kilmarnock) calls at the King's Arms and an omnibus calls at the Wheat Shef, both every afternoon (Sunday excepted) at five

To Ayr William Arthur, from Fullarton St every Tuesday and Friday
To Glasgow Robert Templeton and Hugh Dunlop from High Street every Monday and Thursday
To Greenock Joseph Parker, from High Street every Monday
To Kilmarnock George Wollock from High street daily
To Paisley Hugh Dunlop, from High Street every Monday and Thursday
To Saltcoats and Ardrossan James Harra and John McBride from High Street daily.

This transcript was kindly provided by Keith Muirhead from the Sunshine Coast of Queensland.