with the villages of Riccarton and Kilmaurs Ayrshire
Directory - 1837 - by Pigot & Co
KILMARNOCK is a large and important manufacturing town, in the parish of its
name, and in the District of Cunningham; 65½ miles sw of Edinburgh through
Glasgow, from the latter city 21½ ssw, 12 n from Ayr, and between 6 and 7 e
from Irvine; situate on level ground, near the confluence of the Kilmarnock
water with the Irvine. Two centuaries ago, this now thriving and populous town
was a mere hamlet, dependent upon the baronial castle in its neighbourhood. The
advantages of the place, as a site for manufactures, were the presence of coal,
healthiness of situation, a populous country around, and abundance of
provisions: for many years and generations, however, it seems to have been
distinguished only for the production of broad flat bonnets, so long the
characteristic wear of the Scottish lowland peasantry, as also the striped cowls
which yet bear the name of the town. As this business increased, the population
augmented; and in the year 1731 the number had swelled so much, that the parish
was found inadequate for its accommodation, and a new one was erected.
Subsequently, and for a considerable period, the staple manufacture was that of
carpets, and in this branch it yet stands preeminant: in 1832 the ascertained
product of this article amounted to £150,000; it is made of every possible kind
and texture, from the plainest to the richest colour and fabrick; a few years
since the Brussels carpet was successfully imitated; and lately a variety,
termed the "three-plie", of extreme beauty and durability, has been
introduced. An extensive trade is carried on in the manufacture of shoes for
exportation - likewise that of leather, for the tanning and dressing of which
there are several highly respectable and large establishments. There are four
very extensive nursery-grounds, two breweries, and the like number of
rope-walks; iron-founding and machine making are important branches, and there
are numerous well-furnished and handsome shops, in the various occupations
usually found in large and populous towns. One particular description of
productive industry and skill seems, however, of late years, to have outstripped
all those before mentioned - namely, the making and printing of shawls: for, in
the year 1832, the amazing number of 1,128,814 of this denomination of garment
issued from the manufactories of this place, amounting in value to upwards of
£200,000; and the demand since that year has greatly increased. The trade and
commerce of Kilmarnock are assisted by branches of the "Ayr Bank", of
the "Ayrshire Banking Company" and the "Commercial Bank of
Scotland". About half a mile north-west of the town is an extensive
coal-field, from which fuel is obtained for the works of Kilmarnock, beside
large supplies transmitted continually by railway to Troon, where they are
shipped for various places. There are five incorporated trades, namely, the
bonnet-makers, skinners, tailors, shoe-makers and weavers; the first named is
the most ancient - it was incorporated in 1646. The aspect of the town is
agreeable, especially in its central part, where the streets are regularly laid
out, and the greater portion of the houses are of freestone; it has of late
considerably extended to the south and east, and in these directions has now
many elegant edifaces. The improvements of Kilmarnock are under trustees,
nominated by act of parliament in 1802; these are the provost and magistrates
for the time being, his Grace the Duke of Portland, and several gentlemen also
interested in improving the town; this trust is expected soon to be wound up.
The town-house, built in 1805, contains a court-room for the magistracy, and
public offices, besides a prison for criminals. In 1814 a superb and commodious
news-room was erected in the centre of the town, serving the double purpose of a
reading-room and a place of general resort. The gas-works were constructed in
1823, at an expense of from £5,000 to £6,000, defrayed by means of shares of
£10 each, which, to the credit of the inhabitants, were taken up in the course
of a few weeks; the works are under the management of twelve gentlemen, and a
sub-committee of four. Kilmarnock possesses an excellent academy, in which
various branches of education are taught by able masters; there are, besides,
several private seminaries of a high character, and many schools that impart
instruction to children of the poorer classes. The institutions likewise
comprise some well- conducted societies, amongst which are the procurators' and
the merchants', a philosophical institution, an excellent subscription library,
with numerous benefit clubs and associations. A very fine observatory, with
valuable machinery and telescopes of a superior description, has been
constructed by the inventive genius of Mr Thomas Morton, of this town, a
self-instructed mechanist, who also originated many important improvements in
the process of carpet-weaving. The civil government is vested in the Provost,
four bailies and eleven councillors; the magistrates preside in their civil and
criminal courts by turns, and the justices sit once a fortnight in what is
called the small debts court. The town joins with Dumbarton, Port Glasgow,
Renfrew, and Rutherglen, in returning one member to parliament. Kilmarnock
consists of two parishes - the High and the Low - each containing an established
church. In the latter parish there has been lately erected, in addition, a large
and handsome ediface, connected with the establishment, possessing
accommodations for 1700 persons; the style of architecture is that which
prevailed in England during the latter part of the fourteenth centuary; it is
ornamented with an admirable Gothic tower, and cost £5,000; Messrs Howie and
Brown, of this town, were the builders. Near to the church, in King-street, is a
very neatly-designed relief church, of recent erection, with an elegant spire;
there are likewise two burgher chapels, one Cameronian, and one independent,
with several other places of worship for different sects. The most remarkable
object in this vicinity is the ruin of Dean castle - an ancient, extensive, and
well defended mansion, formerly the property of the Earls of Kilmarnock; it
stands in a "dean", or hollow, less than a mile north from the town;
it was burnt down in 1735, from the carelessness of a servant girl, who in
preparing some lint for spinning heedlessly let it catch fire. Kilmarnock house,
another ediface once belonging to, and the last residence of, that noble family,
is also in the parish: from this house proceeded the last unfortunate earl, in
1745, to join the standard of rebellion, which cost him his head. The Dutchess
of Portland and the Marchioness of Hastings (Countess of London) are the
principal proprietors of this conjoined parish. The markets, which are held on
Tuesday and Friday, are abundantly supplied with every necessary article of
domestic consumption; a market for grain has also been established of late
years, and promises to become of considerable utility. The fairs are held in
February ("Fastens-even"), first Tuesday in May, third Wednesday in
July (commonly called "the gooseberry fair"), and the third Wednesday
in October - the last three are old style.
The parish of RICCARTON is in the
district of Kyle, lying on the left or south bank of the Irvine river, which
separates it from Kilmarnock. The village stands on an eminence, a mile to the
south of that town, on the right bank; but almost connected with Kilmarnock by a
long street. The parish extends about six miles in length, by between two and
three in breadth. The village is remarkable for having been the residence of the
venerable Sir Ronald Crawford, the maternal uncle of Wallace, with whom, it is
said, the hero sometimes sojourned; and it was to Riccarton that he generally
retired after performing any of his daring exploits, before he openly unfurled
his country's banner. On revenging the treacherous murder of his uncle and other
chieftains, by burning the barns of Ayr, he took his way by night to this
village, accompanied by a few followers; when he reached a certain eminence,
about six miles from Ayr, he turned round, and, seeing the flames still
ascending, exclaimed with stern exultation, "the barns burn well!"
From this laconic expression (tradition adds) the spot obtained the name of
"Burn-well", which it still retains. The church at Riccarton is a
modern structure, having been erected in 1823; it has a fine steeple, and from
its elevated position has an ornamental effect upon the country all around. A
new bridge across the Irvine is now in progress, which will materially improve
the approach from Ayr road to Kilmarnock. A considerable quantity of coal is
raised in this parish; the Duke of Portland is the principal landed proprietor.
KILMAURS, a small town, a burgh of Barony, and capital of the parish of its
name, in the district of Cunningham, two miles from Kilmarnock, is situate on
the right bank of a rivulet, called Kilmaur's water, or "Carmel
water", it was erected into a burgh of barony by James V , at the
insistance of Cuthbert, Earl of Glencairn, and his son, Lord Kilmaurs. The
government of the town invested in two bailies (chosen annually by the
portioners), before whom debts may be recovered. Kilmaurs is composed
principally of one street, in the middle of which is a small town house with a
steeple and clock. Formerly this place was somewhat noted for the manufacture of
clasp knives , or "whittles" - the sharpness of the edge of which
instruments gave rise in Ayrshire to a jocular expression of comparison : a man
of acute understanding, and quickness of action, is said to be "as sharp as
a Kilmaurs whittle". The most prominent trades now are those of shoemaking
and weaving, for the Glasgow and Paisley markets. Coals are mined in the parish,
the surface of which consists of large level fields, intersperced with gentle
declivities and elevations; the summits of the latter are well wooded, and the
whole district has a pleasing appearance. There is an old pile of building near
to the church, seemingly of very ancient origin; but with respect to its
founder, or the date or object of its erection, even tradition itself is silent.
In the cemetery of the Glencairn family, adjacent to the church, is a piece of
beautiful sculpture, a specimen of the taste and execution of former times,
erected as a monument to the memory of the chancellor, William, the ninth earl.
The market, which was for many years held on the Friday, has fallen into disuse;
but fairs are held on the 11th of June, 11th of November, and the first
Wednesday in August - all old style.
Office, King street, William Rankin, Post master. Letters from London arrive
every afternoon at half past four, and are despatched every night at half past
eleven - Letters from Edinburgh and Glasgow arrive every morning at five and
evening at half past seven, and are despatched every evening at seven and night
at half past eleven - the Irish mail, with letters for Ayr, Maybole, Girvan,
Ballantrae, and Stranraer, are despatched every evening at half past seven, and
arrive every night at half past eleven - Letters from Ayr arrive every evening
at seven, and are despatched every morning at five - Letters from Irvine,
Saltcoats and Toon arrive every evening at half past six, and are despatched
every morning at five - Letters from Cumnock and Maunchline arrive every
afternoon at half past four, and are despatched every morning at five - Letters
from Stewarton arrive every evening at half past six, and are despatched every
morning at five. Post Office, Kilmaurs, James Dickie, Post master - Letters from
Kilmarnock arrive every morning at six, and are despatched every evening at
half-past five.
Aitken, Mrs., Kilmaurs Road/ Allan, Mr James, Braehead/ Andrew, John, esq., of
Gillsturn/ Brown, Rev. Adam, Mill lane/ Campbell, George James, esq., Treesbank/
Campbell, Rev. Peter, Wellington st/ Carswell, Mrs Fanny, Wallace bank/ Clark,
Lieut. Col. H., Shaw hill/ Clark, the Misses, Elm bank/ Crawford, Colonel, of
New field/ Crawford, William H. esq., of Crawsford Land castle/ Cunningham,
Chas., esq, of Thornton/ Cunningham, Gilbert, esq., of Carmel bank/
Cunningham, John Smith, esq., of Caprington castle/ Dunlop, James, esq., Annan
hill/ Dykes, Mrs Jane, Braehead/ Fairlie, James, esq., Holms/ Fairlie, Mrs of
William field/ Finnie, William, esq., Titchfield st/ Gilchrist, John, esq., of
Plan/ Greenshields, Miss Isabel, Spring bank/ Greenshields, Thomas, esq.,
Bellevue/ Guthrie, Alexander, esq., of Mount/ Guthrie, John, esq., Holms/
Hamilton, Rev. Andrew, Bank st/ Hamilton, Wm., esq., Braehead house/ Kelso,
Colonel, of Dankeith/ Kirk, Miss Elizabeth, Braehead/ Lawson, Rev. George,
Wellington st/ McDougall, Rev. William, 99 King st/ Mackinlay, Rev. Dr. James,
Manse/ Mitchell, Moncrieff, esq., Tower hill/ Moody, Rev. John, Riccarton
manse/ Morris, Mrs Colonel, Wellington st/ Morris, Miss of Craig/ Parker,
John, esq., Asloss/ Parker, the Misses, 100 King st/ Paterson, Martin, esq.,
Belfield/ Pedden, Mrs Ann, Braehead/ Porteous, Mrs Margaret, Braehead/ Rankin,
William, esq., Fairlie house/ Robertson, Rev. David, Kilmaurs/ Roxburg, Rev. Jno,
Kilmaurs manse/ Smith, Lieut. James, Kilmaurs house/ Smith, Mr Robert, Mill
lane/ Smith, William, esq., Hillhouse cottage/ Spiers, Mrs Janet, 48
Titchfield st/ Stevenson, Rev. Jas. Brougham place/ Strong, Rev. David, Kilmaurs
road/ Thomson, Rev. Peter, 108 King st/ Wallace, Mrs Ferrier, of Cairn hill/
Ward, Rev. John, Mill lane/ Wilson, Rev. David, Clark lane/ Woodburn, Mrs, Ward
Academy, Green street:- Writing, Arithmetic, & Bookkeeping - William
Henderson - English Grammer - Andrew Weir - Latin, Greek & English
Composition - Alexander Harkness - Mathematics - Francis Nelson Black, Archobald,
Kilmaurs/ Cameron, John, Kilmaurs/ Campbell Sisters, Portland st/ Craig, James,
107 King st/ Cuthbertson, John, East George st/ Kemp, Samuel, Queen st/
McClelland, Alexander, Clark st/ Osborne, William, Clark st/ Parochial Kilmaurs
- Thos. Hamilton, master/ Smith, Mary, (ladies boarding), Kilmarnock house
(see also Fire, &c, Office agents)
Guthrie, Alexander (coal), Mount/ McCrossan, John (weaving utensils), 51 Portland st/ Newbigging, John (coal), Clark
st/ Stevenson, Humphrey (worsted yarn), Queen street/ Wilson, James (law), 23 King st
Brown, Francis, Kilmaurs/ Bunten, John, 44 Titchfiels st/ Gibson, William, 55
Titchfield st/ Oliphant, William, Kilmaurs/ Oliver, Andrew, Market lane/
Richmond, Robert, Kilmaurs/ Shearer, Robert, Titchfield st/ Smith, James, 52
High st/ Wallace, Matthew, 37 Titchfield st/ Wallace, William, 67 Robertson pl/
Wilson, Wm. & Son, 63 Robertson pl
Brown, John, 93 King st/ Wilson, James, 23 King st
Alexander, David, 43 King st/ Alexander, John, 61 King st/ Arbuckle, John,
Titchfield st/ Dinning, Andrew (& spirit dealer), 51 King st/ Higgins,
James, 90 King st/ Kennedy, john, 42 High Glencairn/ Law, John, 6 Waterloo st/
Logan, John, Kilmaurs/ MacFee, John, 8 Fore st/ McIntyre, David, Fore st/
Miller, William, 5 Cheapside/ Osborne, George, 4 Bank st/ Rankin, Robert, 25
Regent st/ Smith, David, Market lane/ Thomson, Joseph, 22 King st/ Towers,
William, 15 Portland st/ Young, Alexander, 70 Portland st/ Young, Robert,
Portland st/ Young, William, 71 King st
Ayr Bank (branch of) Hunters' & Co. Bank st - (draw on Sir Wm. Forbes & Co.,
Edinburgh and Herries, Farquhar & Co. London) - Charles D Gardner, agent
Ayrshire Banking Company (Branch of) Portland st - (draw on Royal Bank, Edinburgh, and Williams, Deacon & Co. London), - James Urie, agent
Commercial Bank of Scotland (Branch of) 50 King st - (draws on the Commercial Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh,
and Jones, Loyd, and Co. London) - Alexander John Bruce, agent
Savings Bank, Bank st - (open on Monday from nine to ten) - Thomas Greenshields, president; Wm. Bunten, treasurer; James Anderson, secretary
King, Alexander, Kilmaurs/ Law, Andrew, Regent st/ London, John, Kilmaurs/
McCrath, John, Croft st/ McIlwraith, James (farrier), Mill lane/ McIlwraith,
James jnr (and farrier), George st/ Murphy, Peter, Croft st/ Paton,
William, Strand st/ Williamson, John, Riccarton
Andrews, James, Townholm/ Craig, David, Townholm
Armour, John, High st/ Boyd, James, Menford lane/ Boyd, William, Fulton's lane/
Gremmell, James, Kilmaurs road/ Laughland, John, 43 High st/ McLean, David,
Nelson st/ Raeburn, John & Son, High st/ Weir, John, 31 Boyd st
Crawford, Hugh & Son, 2 King st/ Davie, John, 33 Bank st/ Mathie, James, 1 King st/ Nelson, Robert, 18 King st
(Marked thus * are Wholesale)
Aitken, Hugh, 20 Cheapside/ Arbuckle, Robert, Clark st/ Beckett, John, New st/ *
Clark, Thos & James, 25 Portland st/ Crom, David, 106 King st/ Cuthbertson,
George, Kilmaurs/ Fulton, George, 25 Titchfield st/ Gait, James, Croft st/ Gait,
James, Strand st/ Gilmer, Robert, George st/ Hunter, William, 73 King st/ Kerr,
Thomas, 26 Bank st/ * Kirkhop, George, 89 King st/ Lewis, Robert, 2 Bank st/
Logan, William, Fore st/ * Loudon, George, Cross/ Loudon, George, Strand st/
Lymburn, John, 30 Portland st/ * Mc Federis, David & Thos, Mill lane/
McLintock, John, 201 Portland st/ McMaster, William, Nelson st/ McMichael,
James, Low Glencairn st/ Marshall, John, 118 King st/ Montgomerie, Archibald,
Kilmaurs/ Montgomerie, James, Kilmaurs/ Montgomerie, William, Kilmaurs/ Nicol,
Edward, Mill lane/ Smith, John, Kilmaurs/ * Smith, Robert, 19 & 48 Portland
st/ Spiers, James, Fore st/ Steel, John, Kilmaurs/ Stevenson, John, Morton
place/ * Stevenson, Thos, 22 Titchfield st/ * Strang, Allan, 13 Portland
st/ * Strang, Matthew, Portland st/ Wallace, John, 56 Portland st/ Wallace,
Robert, Croft st/ Weir, James, 14 Waterton st/ Wilkinson, Merrion, 24 Bank
st/ Wood, Francis, 36 King st/ Wyly, Moses, Fore st
Bicket, John (& brass founder and coppersmith), 53 King st/ Boyd, Thomas &
John, 1 Waterloo st/ Lawson, John (& coppersmith) 33 & 37 Portland st/ Reid,
John, 11 Waterloo st
Paxton, George, Richard land/ Thomson, John, Grange st
Howie & Brown, Bridge lane/ Johnstone, Robert ( and architect), Langland st
(Marked thus * are also upholsterers)
Alexander, John, 8 Waterloo st/ Dickie, David, 91 King st/ Hood, James &
John, 100 Portland st Hunter, John, Portland st/ Love, John, Robertson place/ *
Riley, James & Co, 32 King st/ * Smith, Robert, Portland st/ * Wilson,
James, 39 Portland st
Aitken, Andrew, Glencairn square/ Gemmell, James & Sons, Back st/ Goudie,
George, Riccarton/ Gulliland, Wm., 52 Titchfield st/ Hutchison, Hugh,
George st/ Johnston, William, Langland st/ Johnstone, Robert, Langland st/
Millar, Robert, Kilmaurs/ Paterson, Andrew, Titchfield st/ Wyllie,
William, Bank st
Brown, William and Sons, Grange st/ Cuthbertson, Sawers, Taylor, and Company,
Bank st/ Gregory, Thomsons & Co, Green st/ Taeburn, John jnr, High st/
Wilson, Hugh, Grange st/ Wyllie, William, Welbeck st
Boyd, Duncan, Riccarton/ Brown, Matthew, High st/ Brown, William, Croft st/ McMillan, George, Kilmaurs/
Morton, William, Croft st/ Murray, Thomas, Nelson st
Hay, Charles, David's lane, Green st/ Keenan, Ann, Fore st/ Reid, Peter, Fore st/ Weir, Ann, Fore st
Becket, Hugh, 28 King st/ Gilmour, John, 64 Portland st/ Karnagham, John, Regent st, Cross/ Macdougall, David, 58 King st/ Murray, John, 33 Nelson st/ Roxburgh, Hugh, 4
Waterloo st
Armour & Co, Portland st/ Clark, Jane, Regent st/ Hopkin, James, Back lane/ McCrae, William Ronald, Low Glencairn st/ Sandilands, William, 10 Bank st
Bishop, Robert, Town head/ Campbell, John, Church lane, Soulls st/ Clark, James, Menford lane/ Crooks, Robert, Lade side/ Nisbet, Thomas, 23 Regent st
Mill, James & John, Old Rome
Rankin, William, 7 King st/ Smith, James, 16 Cheapside/ Smith, James Taylor, 41 King st/
Walker & Young, 62 King st
Reyburn, Robert, Titchfield st
Alexander, William, Titchfield st/ Houston, William, 27 Soulis st/ Hutchison, Hugh, Green st/
Jameison, William, 25 High st
Morton, Thomas (and manufacturer of reflecting telescopes), Morton place Stevenson, Humphrey, East George st
Bicket, John, 53 King st/ Duncan, William & Daniel (& copperplate printers),
44 Portland st
British Commercial, James Murdock, 29 Portland st
Caledonian, Thomas Borland, 83 King st
Edinburgh Life Assurance Co, Thos Dykes, 54 Portland st
Hercules, Wm. Anderson, Dunlop st
London Union, Thos Dykes, 54 Portland st
Manchester Assurance Co, John Sturrock, 47 Portland st
North British, Douglas & Hamilton, Town hall
Norwich Union, David Ramsay Andrews, Portland st
Sun, John Torrance, 44 Portland st
West of Scotland, David & Chas Rankin, King st
Alexander, John, Glencairn st/ Arbuckle, James & Co, Flesh markets/
Cunningham, Alex., Titchfield st/ Cuthbertson, John, Kilmaurs/ Dick, John &
William, 31 King st/ Hillhouse, James, Flesh market/ Hillhouse, William, Regent
st, Cross/ Hillhouse, Wm & Co, Flesh market/ Neairn, William, High Glencairn/
Paterson, James, 34 Fore st/ Robertson, William, Glencairn st
Bicket, John, Queen st
Davies, James, 6 Portland st, and 63 King st/ McAllister, Rosina, 7 Portland st/ Moore, Archibald, 4 King st/ Pennington, Samuel, Green st
(marked thus * are also wine merchants)
* Aitken & Paton, 24 King st/ Anderson, John, Kilmaurs/ Bowie, John, 21
Cheapside/ * Brown & Howie, 83 & 85 King st/ Brown, David, Kilmaurs/
Campbell, Thomas, 87 King st/ Dickie, James, Kilmaurs/ Dinning, James, Kilmaurs/
Findlay, William, 29 King st/ * Forrest, William, 2 Portland st/ Gilchrist,
Daniel, 10 Nelson st/ Glass, James, 17 Glencairn st/ Harper, Andrew, 12 Bank st/
Howie, John, Strand st/ Lamberton, John, Kilmaurs/ Lambroughton, John, Kilmaurs/
* McLean, James, 11 Portland st/ Mair, Alexander (grocer & meal dealer), 43
Titchfield st/ Morton, John, Grange st/ Muir, John, 12 West Shaw st/ Neill,
Matthew jnr, Glencairn square/ * Orr, John, 20 King st/ Paton, Hugh, 5 Regent st,
Cross/ Paton, Robert, Cross/ * Rankin, Wm. & Son, 30 King st/ Reid, David,
69 King st/ * Reid, Hugh & Co, 14 Cheapside/ Robertson, William, 62 Portland
st/ Stevenson, Alexander, 47 King st/ * Stevenson, John, 3 Portland st/ Stewart,
John, Bank st/ Taylor, James, Portland st/ Taylor, Peter (grocery & meal), 1
Bank st/ Thomson, Mary (grocery and meal), 17 Titchfield st/ Walker, John, 25
King st/ Walker, Thomas, Dunlop st/ * Wallace, Wm. & Co, 55 Portland st
Andrews, Wm. (& perinmer), 84 King st/ Hill, George, 72 King st/ McGregor, John, Croft st/
Reid, James, 4 Forest/ Smith, William, Croft st
Eaton, William, 38 Fore st/ Gibson, Alex & Co, 39 Portland st/ Thomson, John
& William (& manufacturers), 5 King st/ Waugh, Wm. (& manufacturer), 37 King st
Anderson, James, 110 King st/ Borland, john, Titchfield st/ Brown, John, 26 King
st/ Kenmuir, Andrew, 39 King st/ Ranken, Janet, 57 King st/ Robertson, Robert
(manufacturer) 73 King st
Osbourne, Geo. Moore, 69 Titchfield st/ Wilson, Alexander, Titchfield st
Black Bull (commercial), Alexander Murdock, 16 Portland st George (commercial), Robert Gardner, Portland st
Turf (commercial), Agnes Dinning, Cheapside
Finnie and Guthrie, Kilmarnock Foundry, Townholm/ Rogers and Blair, Low Glencairn
Finnie, Alexander, 6 Regent st, Cross/ Finnie, Archibald, Market lane/ McCaa,
Hugh, 12 King st/ Miller and Donald (and wholesale manufacturers of reaping
hooks), 8 Portland st/ Stewart, Thomas and Sons (and hinge and lock
manufacturers), 15 Regent st, Cross
Crawford, Hugh & Son (circulating), 2 King st/ Mathie, James (circulating),
1 King st/ Subscription, 18 Cheapside - James Rankin, librarian
Aitken, Andrew, 27 Portland st/ Chrystal, James, 46 Portland st/ Craig, Hugh, 29
King st/ Ferguson, John, 70 King st/ Fulton, John and Son, 13 King st/ Gregory
& Stevenson, 48 King st/ Gregory, Thomas & Co, 12 Portland st/ Halbert,
George, 20 Portland st/ Hamilton, John, 10 King st/ Sharp, James, 39 Portland st/
Smith, James, 9 King st/ Smith, John, 28 Portland st/ Stewart, John &
Andrew, 23 King st/ Taylor, William, 57 Portland st/ Watt, John, Cheapside
Blair, Bryce, Sandbed st/ Morton, Thomas (inventor of the 3-pile Brussels and other carpet machines, & of the ten patterns), Morton place/ Stevenson,
Humphrey, East George
Paxton, George, Richard land/ Thomson, John, Grange st
Browning, James, 79 King st/ Wilson, James, 23 King st
Brown, Margaret, 14 Bank st/ Brown, Mary and Margaret, 79 King st/ Cady, Mrs.,
83 King st/ Duncan, Ann, 86 Portland st/ Galbraith, Elizabeth, Queen st/ Gibson,
Catherine, Langland st/ Laurie, Jane, 39 Boyd st/ McLelland, Jane, Langland st/
Morton, Mary & Sister, 23 Portland st/ Muir, Martha, Queen st/ Murray,
Eliza, 22 King st/ Smith, Margaret, 8 Waterloo st/ Tassie & Hardie, Green st/
Taylor, Elizabeth, 79 King st/ Young, Isabella, 2 Waterloo st
Blair, Bryce, Sandbed st/ Lauder, Hugh, Menford lane/ Richmond, John, Titchfield st
Bell, John, Kilmaurs/ Cuthbertson, William, Langland st/ Finnie, Alexander, 6 Regent st, Cross/ Finnie, Archibald, Market lane/ McCaa, Hugh, 12 King st/Miller & Donald, 8 Portland st/ Stewart, Thomas & Sons, 15 Regent st, Cross
(See also Seedsmen - Wholesale)
Christie, James & Co, Regent st, Cross/ Dykes, John, 14 King st/ Fowlds,
& Lymburn, Flower Bank Nursery, and 36 Portland st/ Samson, William &
Co, 3 Cheapside
Fleming, William, 44 King st/ Reid, John, 22 Cheapside/ Reid, William Pattison (and spirit dealer), 34 Portland st/ Robertson, James, Clerk lane
Finnie, Alexander, 6 Regent cross
Miller, Alexander & Co, 29 King st
Borland, John, 97 King st/ Paxton, John, 101 King st/ Reed, James, Braehead/Walker, Robert, 64 King st
Dunsmore & Patton, Langland st/ McClure, John, Clark st
Bicket & Reid, (& lead merchants), Queen st/ Brown, Charles, 20 Waterloo st/
Lawson, John, (& lead merchant), 33 & 37 Portland st/ Reid, Thomas, Wellington st
Crawford, Hugh & Son, Cross/ Mathie, Jas. (& lithographer), 1 King st/ Nelson, Robert, 18 King st
Boyd, Adam (music), 79 King st/ Macready, Angelo (languages), 1 Cheapside/
Macready, Wm. (drawing), 1 Cheapside/ Tunnock, William (portrait painter), 2
Grange st
Campbell, William, West Langland st/ Thomson, Thomas, George st
McChesney, William, 42 King st/ Mutter, George, 31 Portland st/ Stevenson, James, 3 King st
Fowlds, Alexander & Co, 17 King st/ Samson, William & Co, 3 Cheapside
(Marked thus * are also printers)
* Anderson, McGregor & Company, Mensford lane/ * Andrew, John, Wellington st/
Bicket & Young, 104 King st/ Bicket, James, Wellington st/ * Dick &
Kerr, Ladeside/ * Geddes, William, Welbeck/ Laughland, Jas. sen, 6 West Shaw st/
Logan, James, Titchfield st/ * Neil, Thomas, East Shaw st/ * Templeton, Robt,
Burnside printfid/ * Wardrop & Hall, Low Glencairn/ * Young, Glassford and
Co, East Shaw st
Adam, Elizabeth, 40 Hgh Glencairn st/ Aird, Andrew, 41 Titchfield st/ Aitken,
Agnes, Fore st/ Auld, William, 60 Titchfield st/ Borland, Thomas, Low Glencairn
st/ Bowman, Robert, High Glencairn st/ Bruce, Alexander, 19 Back st/ Buchanan,
John, Welbeck st/ Burnet, William, Fore st/ Cameron, John, Fore st/ Clark, John,
Langland st/ Cunningham, John, Riccarton/ Findlay, Alexander, 40 King st/
Fisher, Robert & Co, Riccarton/ Fulton, Hugh, 4 Boyd st/ Gibson, Walter,
Langland st/ Henderson, John, Dean lane/ Lymburn, James, 76 King st/ McAloine,
George, Robertson place/ McCloy, John, 23 Regent st/ McCrone, Alexander,
Robertson place/ McIndoe, Robinson, Wellington st/ McLaren, Sarah, 120 King st/
McLelland, William, Langland st/ McPhail, Daniel, 1 Soulis st/ Manson, William,
Titchfield st/ Miller, James, High Glencairn st/ Miller, James, 65 Fore st/
Mitchell, Janet, Glencairn square/ Morton, George, 32 Fore st/ Muir, James, 63
Fore st/ Neill, John, 10 High Glencairn st/ Nisbet, John, Riccarton/ Pride,
Margaret, Strand st/ Quigley, Sarah, 65 Fore st/ Richmond, John, 9 Low Glencairn
st/ Rodman, Wm., 24 Low Glencairn st/ Roome, George, 11 High st/ Steadman,
James, 38 High st/ Stewart, Agnes, Clark st/ Stewart, Wm., 22 Low Glencairn st/
Young, Andrew, 18 Back st
McColl, Solomon, West Shaw st/ Robertson, Widow, Burnside
Crooks, Adam (& fellmngr) 7 Soulis st/ Crooks, James, Ladeside/ Crooks,
Robert, Ladeside/ Dalziel, James, High st/ Goudie, James, Sandbed/ Grayham,
David, 18 Soulis st/ Mair, Jane, 25 Soulis st/ Orr, Peter, Townholm/ Parton,
John, Oldfast/ Porteous, Alexander, 27 High st/ Porteous, John, Townholm
Brown, James, Langland st/ McReath, James, Mill lane
Barkley, John, Soulis st/ Boyd, Robert, Kilmaurs/ Howie & Brown, Bridge st, King st/ Ramsey, William James and David, Kilmaurs road/ Tait, James &
Co. Kilmaurs road/ Wallace, John, Dunlop st/ Wilson, John, Kilmaurs road
Brown, Robert, Kilmaurs/ Brown, Robert, Brougham place/ Craig, Matthew, Dean quarry/ Langmuir, Gabriel, Kilmaurs/ Raeburn, Robert, Kilmaurs
Adam, Isabella, 18 Waterloo st/ Aitken, Margaret, 20 Cheapside/ Black, Sarah,
East George st Blair, Janet, 50 Portland st/ Lamey, Rosina, George st/ Wallace,
Elizabeth, 114 King st/ Watson, Agnes, Queen st/ Young, Isabella & Sister,
30 King st
Aitken, James, 42 Portland st/ Crooks, john, 23 Bank st/ Guthrie, James, 67 King
st/ Hood, Alexander, 19 King st/ Kalley, Robert Reid, 80 Portland st/ Laurie,
John, Portland st/ Miller, John, 77 King st/ Paxton, John, 101 King st/ Sloan,
John, Kilmaurs/ Smith, Hugh, Bank st/ Stevens, James, 6 King st/ Thomson, James,
82 King st/ Walker, Robert, 64 King st/ Whitelaw, Alexander, Mill lane/ Young,
Robert, 58 Portland st
(Marked thus * are clothiers)
* Adam, Andrew, 10 Portland st/ Allan, William, Cheapside/ Brown, Alexander, 30
High Glencairn st/ Brown, Hugh, Kilmaurs/ Dunlop, Alexander, 9 Portland st/ Gibb,
Robert, Croft st/ Granger, John, 63 King st/ Harper, James, 2 Regent st, Cross/
Hunter, John, 73 King st/ Irvine, Andrew, West Shaw st/ Kelly, John, Riccarton/
* Lymburn & Hamilton, 19 Portland st/ McCubben, Thomas, Cheapside/ McGammon,
John, Strand st/ McGill, Robert, Titchfield st/ McKay, Adam, Market lane/
McLaughland, Alexander, Robertson pl/ Macready, Matthew, 1 Cheapside/ * McWinnie,
John & Son, 35 King st/ Manson, John, titchfield/ Mitchell, Ebenezer, 84
Portland st/ Parker, John, 60 Portland st/ Paterson, James, 10 Portland st/
Saddler, Robert, 70 King st/ Shannon, Edward, Regent st/ Stewart, James,
Kilmaurs/ * Stewart, John & Andrew, 23 King st/ Templeton, Robert, Kilmaurs
Crooks, James, 22 Portland st/ Tomlinson, Jas., 2 Cheapside & Back la
Aitken, James, Town head/ Bishop, Robert, Town head/ Colvil, John (and leather dresser), Titchfield st/ Crooks, James, Lade side/ Cumming, William
& Sons (and tawers), 9 Soulis st/ Orr, Peter, Townholm/ Porteous, John, Townholm
Brown, James & Son, 4 Portland st/ Grieve, Robert & Son, 24 Portland st/
Johnson, John, 7 Cheapside/ Weir, James, 18 Portland st
McKerrow, William, 63 King st/ Robertson, Thomas, Regent st/ Russell, Alexander, Portland st
(See also Cabinet Makers)
Muir, William, 47 Portland st
Brown, Hugh, 52 Portland st/ Gray, John, 3 Waterloo st/ Kenneth, Andrew, 68 King
st/ Miller, Thomas, 68 Portland st/ Mitchell, James, 78 King st/ Ramsay, John,
66 Robertson place/ Smith, George, 64 Titchfield st/ Stevenson, Thomas, 45
Portland st/ Symington, Thomas, 6 Fore st/ Templeton, John, 8 Cheapside/ Weir,
John, Portland st/ Wilson, William, 20 Bank st
Aird, Charles, 30 Boyd st/ Allen, Andrew, (Buck's Head), 11 Regent st/ Anderson,
Thomas, 82 Portland st/ Arnot, John, Grange st/ Auld, John, Strand st/ Baird,
Janet, Dean st/ Barr, Hugh, 6 George st/ Blair, William, 7 Waterloo st/ Boyd,
Robert, Kilmaurs/ Brown, Hugh, Kilmaurs/ Brown, Thomas, 55 King st/ Calderwood,
William, 9 Regent st/ Campbell, George, Riccarton/ Campbell, John, Portland st/
Cooper, Peter, (Sun), 29 King st/ Cuthbertson, John, Kilmaurs/ Dalgleish, James
(and horse hirer), 19 Cheapside/ Ferguson, John, 34 Langland st/ Findlay,
George, 47 Grange st/ Galt, Janet, (Commercial Inn), Croft st/ Gardner, John,
Market lane/ Hamilton, Hugh, Regent st/ Harvie, Thomas, Kilmaurs/ Hiddly,
Thomas, Riccarton/ Howat, Hugh, Riccarton/ Inglis, George, Green st/ Johnston,
Mary, (Burn's Tavern), Low Glencairn st/ Kennedy, William, 95 King st/ Kerr,
Margaret, Kilmaurs/ Kirkland, john, Grange st/ Kiteley, John, 114 King st/
Kiteley, Samuel, Fore st/ Latta, James, East Shaw st/ Lennard, Peter, Fore st/
Loudon, John, Kilmaurs/ McCulley, John, Fore st/ McCulley, William, Low
Glencairn/ McGill, William, 27 Fore st/ McGoven, James, 10 regent st/ McGregor,
John, 20 High st/ McMichael, Duncan, Strand st/ Mathieson, Edward, Welbeck st/
Mitchell, John, (Angel), Market lane/ Montgomerie, James, Kilmaurs/ Moore,
David, Riccarton/ Morton, John, Riccarton/ Muir, Mary, Riccarton/ Oliver,
Andrew, Market lane/ Parker, Ninian, Waterloo st/ Parker, Robert, New Bridge/
Paton, Jane, 10 George st/ Paton, John, 101 King st/ Pinkerton, John, Back st/
Richardson, John, 16 Bank st/ Richmond, Robert, Kilmaurs/ Robb, Jas., (Wheat
Sheaf), Croft st/ Roxburgh, William, 2 Soulis st/ Seward, Thomas, Clerk lane/
Shank, Robert, Grange st/ Sheden, Lewis, Riccarton/ Smith, David, 8 Waterloo st/
Smith, James, 35 High st/ Smith, John, Kilmaurs/ Smith, Moses, Sandbed/ Steele,
John, (Sun), Green st/ Steele, William, Kilmaurs/ Stevens, Hugh, Market lane/
Stevenson, John, Market lane/ Stewart, Thomas, 16 Waterloo st/ Symington,
Isabella, 1 Regent st/ Thomson, David, Glencairn square/ Thomson, Hugh, Kilmaurs/
Weir, Thomas, Croft st/ Wilson, John, 12 Waterloo st/ Worland, Robert, 24 Fore
st/ Young, Jas., (Star), 2 Regent st, Cross
Alexander, Dav. Crichton, 8 King st/ Breckenridge, Alexander, Market la/
Kennedy, Thomas (and jeweller and gun maker), 1 Portland st/ Law, David, 1 Croft
st/ Thomson, George (and jeweller and silversmith), 14 Portland st
Calderwood, Williem, 9 Regent st/ Dreghorn, Hugh (retail) 6 Cheapside/ Forrest,
William, 2 Portland st/ Orr, John, 20 King st/ Rankin, William & Son, 30
King st/ Reid, Hugh & Co, 14 Cheapside/ Stevenson, John, 3 Portland st/
Wallace, Wm & Co 55 Portland st/ Wright, John, 101 King st
Blackwood, Robt. & Jas. Menford la/ Brown, James, Brae side/ Wyllie, William, Welbesk st
(Marked thus * are also Notaries, and thus # Procurators)* Alison, Robert,
Market lane/ #* Anderson, David Ramsay, Portland st/ #* Borland, Thomas, 83 King
st/ Brown, John, 9 Portland st/ * Douglas & Hamilton, Town hall, King st/ #*
Dykes, Thomas, 54 Portland st/ #* Kay, David, 6 King st/ #* Mason, Hugh, East
George st/ Sturrock, John, 47 Portland st/ Torrance, John, 44 Portland st
Aitken, Wm., veter surgeon, Theatre close/ Alexander, Chas., leather seller, 50
King st/ Anderson, Wm., session clerk, Dunlop st/ Ballantyne, Chas., carver
&c, 44 Portland st/ Bowie, Jane, muslin printer and baby linen manufacturer,
17 Portland st/ Brown, Jane, stay maker, 73 King st/ Bunting, Robert,
accountant, Clarke st/ Christie, Robt., pattern drawer, 101 King st/ Cooper,
James, brush maker, 20 High st/ Cowan, Charles, dealer in bottled ale and
porter, Croft head/ Dickson, Wm., umbrella maker, 53 King st/ Dinning, John,
corn miller, Kilmaurs/ Donald, Robert, jeweller, 9 Cheapside/ Eldred, Edgar,
supervisor, Hunters hill/ Hamilton, Hugh, ?? dealer, Regent st/ Harvie,
Margaret, ?? , 1 George st/ Hood, William, session clerk, Riccarton/ Ingram,
James, machinist, ?? lane/ Mack, Thomas, ?? maker and dealer linen cloth, thread
&c, 2 Titchfield st/ Moffat, John, linen cloth & thread dealer, 30
Titchfield st/ Montgomerie, Wm., town officer, Kilmaurs/ Nicol, John, tea
dealer, Croft st/ Owens, Joseph, edge tool maker, David's lane/ Peden, John,
coach maker, 7 Bank st/ Petrie, David, general dealer, Grange st/ Ralston,
William, flax dresser, Kilmaurs/ Reid, Matthew, spade and shovel manufacturer,
Town head/ Stevens, Hugh, snuff-box maker, Market lane/ Stevenson, Robert,
glazier, College lane/ Stewart, James, cork cutter, Regent st/ Taylor, John,
salt dealer, Kilmaurs/ Thomson, John, toy dealer &c., 21 King st/
Places of Worship
Low Church - Rev James Mackinlay, DD., Rev David Strong, and Rev James Stevenson
High Church - Rev Andw. Hamilton
New Church - Rev James Mackinlay, DD., Rev David Strong, and Rev James Stevenson
Established Church, Kilmaurs - Rev John Roxburgh
Relief Church, King street - Rev William M Dougall
Burghers' Original, Wellington street - Rev Peter Campbell
United Secession, Fulton's lane - Rev George Lawson
United Secession, Clerk lane - Rev David Wilson
United Secession Church, Kilmaurs - Rev David Robertson
Reformed Presberty, Mill lane - Rev Adam Brown
Independent, Mill lane - Rev John Ward
Riccarton Church - Rev John Moody and Rev Peter Thomson
Coffee Rooms, 7 Portland st
Commercial Reading Rooms, 9 Portland st
Excise Office, George Inn - Edgar Eldrod, supervisor
Gas Works, Park Street - James Stirling, manager, Humpry Stevenson, treasurer
Philosophical Institution - John Miller, president, Archibald Finnie, treasurer, John Torrance, secretary
Stamp Office, 13 King st - John Fulton, distributor
Tax Office, 2 Titchfield st - John Wyllie, surveyor
Town's Buildings, King St - Douglas and Hamilton, town clerks, William Blane, superintendant of police
To Ardrossan, the "Ayrshire Lass", from the Turf Inn, every morning at eight, and the "Time- Keeper", every afternoon at four, both go through
Irvine, Kilwinning and Saltcoats
To Ayr, the "Royal Mail" (from Glasgow), calls at the George Inn, every night at a quarter past seven; the "Telegraph", from the same Inn, every
morning at half past nine; the "Defiance" (from Glasgow), calls at the Black Bull, every afternoon at a quarter past one; the "Marques of Hastings" (from
Edinburgh), calls at the Sun, every afternoon at a quarter past three; and an omnibus, from the Angel Inn, every morning at half past eight
To Carlisle - see London
To Edinburgh, the "Marques of Hastings" (from Ayr), calls at the Sun, every morning at a quarter past nine
To Glasgow, the "Royal Mail" (from Portpatrick), calls at the George Inn, every night at half past eleven; the "Telegraph", from the same Inn, every
morning at eight and afternoon at a quarter past four - both go through Fenwick; the "Britannic", from the Black Bull and Commercial Inns, every
morning at seven; the "Defiance" (from Ayr), calls at the same Inns, every morning at a quarter past eleven; and the "Perserverance" from the
Commercial and Mr Young's office, Cross, every morning at half past seven and eleven and afternoon at four
To London (by Carlisle), the "Independant" (from Glasgow) calls at the Turf Inn every morning at half past eight; goes through Mauchline, Catrine,
Cumnock Sanquhar, Thornhill, Dumfries and Annan
To Newmilns & Galston, a car, from the Commercial Inn, every Friday afternoon at five
To Portpatrick, the "Royal Mail", (from Glasgow), calls at the George Inn, every night at a quarter past seven; goes through Ayr, Maybole, Girvan,
Kirkoswald, Ballantrae and Stranmer
To Saltcoats, see Ardrossan
To Troon, the "Kilmarnock" from Regent street, every morning at ten; and omnibusses, from the George Inn, every forenoon at eleven and evening at
eight - during the summer season only.
To Ayr, John Cuthbert, from the Commercial Inn, daily, Mrs Dalziel, from the Angel Inn, every Mon, Wed & Sat and Thomas Frew, every Tues & Fri
To Beith, James Love, from the Wheat Sheaf, every Friday
To Castle Douglas, Thomas Wallatfrom the Commercial Inn, and David McClure, from the Wheat Sheaf, alternately, every Friday
To Catrine, Francis Blaine, from the Commercial Inn, every Tues and Fri
To Cross Hill, Robert Richie, from the Commercial Inn, every Thursday
To Cumnock, William Beard, from the Commercial Inn, every Monday, and John
Kerr, every Wednesday & Saturday; Mrs Byran, from the Wheat Sheaf, every Thursday; and John Ferguson, from the Black Bull, every Saturday
To Darvel, James Wilson, from N Parker's, Waterloo street, daily
To Dumfries, J & W Robb, from the Wheat Sheaf, every Wednesday & Saturday,
and Thomas Ferguson, from the Black Bull every Saturday
To Dunlop, Henry Frew, from the Wheat Sheaf, every Friday
To Edinburgh, John Steadman, from Gunlop Street, every Monday
To Galston, - Robertson, from Mrs Symington's, Cross, daily
To Girvan, Robert Hannah, from the Wheat Sheaf, every Friday
To Glasgow, Andrew Mackin, from Green Street, and James & Charles Robb, from
the Wheat Sheaf, daily, and Js Robinsonm George St, Mon & Thurs
To Irvine, George Willock, from the Commercial Inn, daily
To Mauchline, Andrew Gibson, from the Commercial Inn, every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, and William Wallace, every Tuesday and Friday
To Maybole, John Dunn, every Fri
To New Cumnock, James Campbell and John Campbell, from the Commercial Inn, every Thursday
To Newmilns, John Howie, from the Commercial Inn, every Tuesday and Fri
To Newton-Stewart, William McClure and Hugh Steel, from the Wheat Sheaf, every alternate Friday
To Ochiltree & Cumnock, Mrs Bryan, from the Wheat Sheaf, every Thursday, and
James McCrae, from the Commercial Inn, every Thursday
To Paisley, William Russell, from the Commercial Inn, every Wednesday and Saturday, and John Stevenson, from Market lane, every Mon and Thursday
To Paisley and Glasgow, James Whitford, from Kilmaurs, twice a week
To Saltcoats, John Banks, from the Commercial Inn, every Tues and Fri
To Stewarton, Alexander Picken, from the Wheat Sheaf, daily, and George Smith, from the Commercial Inn, every Tuesday and Friday
To Strathaven, Robert Taylor, from the Commercial Inn, every Friday
To Torbolton, John Highet, from the Wheat Sheaf, every Tuesday and Friday, and Andrew Fisher, from the Commercial Inn, every Wednesday
To Troon, Thomas Cuthbertson, from Strand street, daily.
This transcript was
kindly provided by Keith Muirhead
from the Sunshine Coast of Queensland.