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Ayrshire Directory by Pigot & Co 1837

Kirkmichael is a village in the parish of this name and District of Carrick, some 76 miles from Edinburgh, 22 from Kilmarnock, 14 from Girvan, 10 South of Ayr, the like distance East of Dalmellington, 8 North by East of Dailly, 4 from Stralton, 3½ from Maybole. It is pleasantly situate in a valley, on the road from Newton Stewart to Glasgow - 36 miles from the former and 44 from the latter. The general surface of this parish is hilly - toward the south and east mountainous and rocky; but the whole is more or less cultivated. Its extent is nine miles in length, by four in breadth; the proprietorship is pretty equally divided between the Marquese of Allan, Col. Shaw Kennedy, Sir James Ferguson, Sir David Hunter Blair and Mr Richie. It possesses some good lime quarries. The Girvan runs through it, the Doon is its boundary for several miles and the Dyrock water flows through the village, which latter derives its name from a church that formerly stood here, dedicated to St. Michael: The present religious structure, which is neat and commodious, was built in 1787, on its site. In the churchyard is the tomb of Gilbert McAddam, who was shot in 1685, by the Laird of Collerea and Ballockmyle, for his adherence to the covenanters. Two Sunday schools are in the parish; one in Kirkmichael - the other in the small village of Cross-Hill, about two miles hence. Fairs are held on the third Thursday in February, the third Thursday in April, the third Friday in August, the second Thursday in September and the first Thursday in November.

Post Office Kirkmichael James Wilson, postmaster. Letters arrive from Maybole (per penny post) every morning at eight and are despatched every afternoon at five. Cross Hill Agnes Andrew, postmistress. Letters arrive from and are despatched to Maybole at the same time as those from Kirkmichael.

Gentry and Clergy
Kennedy, Colonel James Shaw, of Kirkmichael House
McEwen, Rev John, Manse
Parry, _______ Esq Cassilia House
Richie, Henry Esq Busbie Cloncaird Castle

Professional Persons
Blain, John surgeon - Cross Hill
Main, David surgeon - Kirkmichael
Rogers, John school - Kirkmichael

Innkeepers & Vinters
Bell, David - Kirkmichael
Cooper, James - Cross Hill
King, Robert - Cross Hill
McCoch, John
McCulloch, Alexander - Cross Hill
McCulloch, Joseph - Cross Hill
Stevenson, William (inn) - Kirkmichael
Wilson, James

Shopkeepers and Traders
(the names without addresses are in Kirkmichael)
Aird, David - blacksmith
Andrews, Agnes - grocer Cross Hill
Arthur, David - joiner & cartwright
Caldwell, James - cartwright
Cook, John - plough maker
Cook, William - tailor Cross Hill
Cooper, James - grocer Cross Hill
Craig, John - shoemaker Cross Hill
Dykes, Andrew - joiner & c Cross Hill
Goudie, John - blacksmith Cross Hill
Henderson, Alexr - teacher Cross Hill
Henry, James - miller
Hugh, Henry - miller
Hunter, John - agent for Glasgow weaving
Hunter, John - joiner & c Cross Hill
Hunter, Jos - grocer & spirit dealer
Hutchinson, Marion - dress & c maker
King, Robert - grocer Cross Hill
McClement & Dunlop - saw & c mill
McClure, John - agent for Glasgow goods Cross Hill
McCraith, Robert - joiner & c Cross Hill
McCrendall, James - shoemaker Cross Hill
McHutchinson, Dav - grocer & agent for Glasgow goods Cross Hill
McMurtrie, Elizabeth - dress maker Cross Hill
McNider, John - tailor Cross Hill
McNider, Ths - shoemaker Cross Hill
Pollock, James - shoemaker
Pollock, John - shoemaker
Stevenson, William - grocer
Thomson, Samuel - tailor
Walker, James - blacksmith Cross Hill
Wallett, John - mason
Watt, James - tailor Cross Hill
Wilson, James - grocer

To Ayr Jas McCloum from Cross Hill every Tuesday and Friday
To Glasgow & Kilmarnock Robert Richie from Cross Hill every Monday

This transcript was kindly provided by Keith Muirhead from the Sunshine Coast of Queensland.