New Cumnock
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Ayrshire Directory - 1837 - by Pigot & Co

Is a village and parish in the district of Kyle, 43 miles s of Glasgow, 21 se of Kilmarnock, the like distance w by s of Ayr, 10 e by n of Dalmellington, 12 w of Sanquhar, 24 nw of Thornhill and 5 sw of Cumnock. The parish which lies on the eastern boundary of that of Cumnock (or Old Cumnock) is in general hilly, and affords excellent pasture for sheep; but there are many spots of rich arable land. The river Nith takes its rise in the south-west end of the parish, and runs through the centre of the whole; and there are several small lakes, the sources of the Lagar and Afton. Various mines of coal are worked in this neighbourhood, the property of the Marques of Bute, G.S. Monteath, Esq and Miss Stewart. Black lead is also procured here, of a quality suitable for pencils; and lime abounds in different parts of the district. A new church was erected in 1833 - a neat and well adapted building, sufficiently capacious for a congregation of a thousand persons; there are likewise a dissenting meeting-house and a parochial school. A subscription library was established in 1828; it contains upwards of six hundred volumes. A few years since a new road was formed, four miles in length, up the glen of Afton; by continuing the line six miles further, a communication would be effected between this part of Ayrshire and the adjoining county of Galloway; which would shorten the present distance by twelve miles, all carriages being now obliged to take the circuitious route of Dalmellington. The traces of an old castle, the fosse and ditch of which alone remain, are observable in this neighbourhood. An annual cattle-fair is held in the village on the Thursday immediately previous to Whitsuntide; but it has no weekly market.

Post Office - William Pagon, Post master - Letters from the North arrive (from Old Cumnock) every day at twelve, and are despatched every morning at seven. - Letters from the South arrive (from Sanquhar) every morning at seven, and are despatched every day at twelve.

Hyslop, Wm Esq of Blackcraig bank
Kirkland, Rev Matthew, manse
Miller, Andrew, Laight
Wallace, John, Esq, Mansfield

Ferguson, Alexander, teacher
Gibson, Andrew, surgeon
Hunter, Thos, physician, Polquhorter
Johnston, John, teacher
Munsie, Alexander, master of the Parochial school
Penwick, John Smith, teacher
Samson, Andrew, teacher

Brown, James
Crichton, John
Dalziel, Alexander (Castle)
Kirkland, Alex
Laidlaw, William
McKnight, Agnes (Crown)
Murdock, Agnes
Wood, David

Arthur, John, shopkeeper
Baird, Hugh, blacksmith
Black, Hugh, blacksmith
Brown, Andrew, blacksmith
Campbell, Archibald, blacksmith
Campbell, John, baker
Carradice, William, nail maker
Cooke, John, draper and tea dealer
Cowan, Henry, boot and shoe maker
Craig, Daniel, shopkeeper
Dempster, Alexander, shopkeeper
Gilmour, Wm, joiner & cartwright
Gooldie, Jas, miller
Guthrie, Thomas, grocer, draper and spirit dealer
Hayslop, John, shopkeeper
Houston, Wm, joiner & cartwright
Hunter, Alexander, watch maker
Kirkland, Alexander, shopkeeper
McDonald, Alexander, tailor
McDonald, James, tailor
McKenzie, James, shopkeeper
Meggat, Robert, shopkeeper
Mellor, William, shopkeeper
Murdock, Hugh, shopkeeper
Murdock, John, blacksmith
Murdock, John, mason
Pagan, William, farmer
Richard, John, shopkeeper
Russell, John, shoe maker
Srewart, John, joiner and cartwright
Strawhorn, John, baker
Walker, James, shopkeeper
Wyllie, Andrew, shopkeeper

To Carlisle and Dumfries - the "Independant" (from Glasgow), calls at the Crown Inn, every day at twelve; goes through Sanquhar and Thornhill
To Glasgow - the "Independant" (from Carlisle), calls at the Crown Inn, every day at twelve; goes through Old Cumnock

To Ayr - James Matthieson, every Tuesday and Friday
To Dumfries - John & William Robb, every Tuesday and Thursday
To Glasgow - James Campbell and John Campbell, every Monday
To Paisley - John Campbell, every Monday
To Sanquhar - Jas Matthieson, every Monday and James Campbell & John Campbell every Friday

This transcript was kindly provided by Keith Muirhead from the Sunshine Coast of Queensland.