Town Plan of Ayr from Ordnance Survey Town Plans 1847 - 1895
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The sample image above is from the 1855 Ordnance Survey Town Plan.  For full detailed plan see the site for National Library of Scotland

Ayr is a Royal burgh, and the capital of the parish and shire of its name, 77 miles, wsw of Edinburgh, 33 ssw of Glasgow, 34 ssw of Paisley, 12 ssw of Kilmarnock, and 11 s of Irvine, situate in the north west angle of the parish where the river Ayr flows past it into the Firth of Clyde. This border of Scotland has been inhabited from the earliest period of authentic history; for when, in the reign of Severus, the Roman fleet made the complete seaboard survey of Magna Britannica, this part of the coast was crowded with a population that evinced no amicable disposition towards the foreign obtruder; subsequently, however, the persevering and insidious encroacher penetrated through southern Caladonia, and the Celtic harp was hushed by the fanning wings of the Roman eagle; accordingly we find that the site of modern Ayr retained, in the 11th century, the undoubted traces of a Roman station; and tradition informs us that a hamlet, the vestige of this station, was in existance until the latter part of the 12th century, when William, surnamed the Lion, erased the odious blot, and laid the foundation of a new town in the ashes of the former conquerer.

From  the Ayrshire Directory - 1837 - by Pigot & Co